Exact Match:
- wash
- the work of cleansing (usually with soap and water)
- any enterprise in which losses and gains cancel out; "at the end of the year the accounting department showed that it was a wash"
- a watercolor made by applying a series of monochrome washes one over the other
- a thin coat of water-base paint
- the dry bed of an intermittent stream (as at the bottom of a canyon)
- to cleanse (itself or another animal) by licking; "The cat washes several times a day"
- cleanse (one's body) with soap and water
- form by erosion; "The river washed a ravine into the mountainside"
- remove by the application of water or other liquid and soap or some other cleaning agent; "he washed the dirt from his coat"; "The nurse washed away the blood"; "Can you wash away the spots on the windows?"; "he managed to wash out the stains"
- apply a thin coating of paint, metal, etc., to
- clean with some chemical process
- cleanse with a cleaning agent, such as soap, and water; "Wash the towels, please!"
- separate dirt or gravel from (precious minerals)
- move by or as if by water; "The swollen river washed away the footbridge"
- admit to testing or proof; "This silly excuse won't wash in traffic court"
- be capable of being washed; "Does this material wash?"
- ablution,
- abstergent,
- acrylic painting,
- apply paint,
- aquarelle,
- babble,
- backwash,
- baptize,
- bath,
- bathe,
- baygall,
- be consistent,
- be the case,
- be true,
- be truthful,
- bedaub,
- bedizen,
- begild,
- besmear,
- bog,
- bottom,
- bottomland,
- bottoms,
- brew,
- brush on paint,
- bubble,
- buffalo wallow,
- burble,
- calcimine,
- canvas,
- cathartic,
- chromogen,
- cleaner,
- cleaning agent,
- cleaning out,
- cleaning solvent,
- cleanser,
- cleansing cream,
- coat,
- coat of paint,
- coating,
- cold cream,
- color,
- color filter,
- color gelatin,
- colorant,
- coloring,
- complexion,
- condensation trail,
- conform to fact,
- contrail,
- cover,
- cream,
- dab,
- daub,
- dead-color,
- deep-dye,
- dentifrice,
- depurant,
- detergent,
- dip,
- distemper,
- diuretic,
- double-dye,
- douche,
- douching,
- drench,
- drier,
- drouk,
- dye,
- dyestuff,
- easel-picture,
- elution,
- elutriation,
- emblazon,
- emetic,
- enamel,
- encaustic cerography,
- encaustic painting,
- enema,
- engild,
- everglade,
- exhaust,
- exterior paint,
- face,
- fast-dye,
- fen,
- fenland,
- finger painting,
- flat coat,
- flat wash,
- float,
- floor enamel,
- flower painting,
- flush,
- flush out,
- flushing,
- flushing out,
- fresco,
- fresco painting,
- gargle,
- genre painting,
- gild,
- glade,
- glaze,
- gloss,
- gouache,
- grain,
- grisaille,
- ground,
- guggle,
- gurgle,
- hog wallow,
- hold,
- hold good,
- hold together,
- hold true,
- hold up,
- hold water,
- holm,
- holystone,
- hue,
- illuminate,
- illumination,
- illustration,
- imbrue,
- imbue,
- impasto,
- impregnate,
- infiltrate,
- infuse,
- ingrain,
- inject,
- interior paint,
- irrigate,
- irrigation,
- japan,
- lacquer,
- lap,
- lapping,
- lather,
- lathering,
- launder,
- laundering,
- laundry,
- lavabo,
- lavage,
- lavation,
- lave,
- laving,
- lay on color,
- leach,
- lip,
- lixiviate,
- lotion,
- macerate,
- marais,
- marish,
- marsh,
- marshland,
- meadow,
- medium,
- mere,
- mire,
- monochrome,
- moor,
- moorland,
- mop,
- mop up,
- mopping,
- mopping up,
- morass,
- moss,
- mouthwash,
- mud,
- mud flat,
- mural painting,
- nauseant,
- oil,
- oil painting,
- opaque color,
- paint,
- painting,
- parget,
- peat bog,
- percolate,
- permeate,
- picturization,
- pigment,
- plash,
- portraiture,
- poster painting,
- prime,
- prime coat,
- primer,
- priming,
- prove out,
- prove to be,
- prove true,
- pumice stone,
- purgative,
- purge,
- purifier,
- purl,
- quagmire,
- quicksand,
- remain valid,
- ride,
- rinse,
- rinse out,
- rinsing,
- ripple,
- ritually immerse,
- salt marsh,
- saturate,
- scour,
- scouring,
- scrub,
- scrub up,
- scrubbing,
- scrubbing up,
- seethe,
- shade,
- shadow,
- shampoo,
- shellac,
- shower,
- slob land,
- slop on paint,
- slosh,
- slough,
- sluice,
- sluice out,
- smear,
- soak,
- soap,
- soaping,
- sodden,
- solvent,
- sop,
- sough,
- souse,
- splash,
- sponge,
- sponging,
- stain,
- stand the test,
- stand up,
- steep,
- stick together,
- stipple,
- stream,
- sump,
- swab,
- swabbing,
- swale,
- swamp,
- swampland,
- swash,
- swish,
- synthetic detergent,
- syringe,
- taiga,
- tempera,
- the brush,
- thinner,
- tinct,
- tinction,
- tincture,
- tinge,
- tint,
- toivel,
- tone,
- tooth powder,
- toothpaste,
- track,
- transparent color,
- trill,
- tub,
- tubbing,
- turpentine,
- turps,
- undercoat,
- undercoating,
- vapor trail,
- varnish,
- vehicle,
- vortex,
- wake,
- wallow,
- wash coat,
- wash drawing,
- wash out,
- wash up,
- washday,
- washing,
- washing up,
- washout,
- washup,
- water,
- waterlog,
- whitewash,
- wiping up