Exact Match:
- werewolf
- a monster able to change appearance from human to wolf
- Dracula,
- Frankenstein,
- Wolf-man,
- ape-man,
- bogey,
- bogeyman,
- bugaboo,
- bugbear,
- demon,
- devil,
- devil incarnate,
- fee-faw-fum,
- fiend,
- fiend from hell,
- frightener,
- ghost,
- ghoul,
- harpy,
- hellhound,
- hellkite,
- hobgoblin,
- holy terror,
- horror,
- incubus,
- jaguar-man,
- lamia,
- monster,
- nightmare,
- ogre,
- ogress,
- phantom,
- revenant,
- scarebabe,
- scarecrow,
- scarer,
- specter,
- succubus,
- terror,
- vampire,
- werecat,
- werecrocodile,
- werefox,
- werehyena,
- werejaguar,
- werelion,
- weretiger