- abjectly,
- anticipatingly,
- anticipatively,
- anticipatorily,
- anxious,
- apprehensive,
- apprehensively,
- aside,
- bashfully,
- behind the curtain,
- behind the scenes,
- behind the veil,
- between the teeth,
- covertly,
- diffidently,
- expectantly,
- expectingly,
- fearfully,
- for fear of,
- hopefully,
- humbly,
- in a corner,
- in a whisper,
- in an aside,
- in darkness,
- in hidlings,
- in secret,
- in suspense,
- in the background,
- in the dark,
- keyed-up,
- meekly,
- modestly,
- mousily,
- nobody the wiser,
- on all fours,
- on bended knee,
- on edge,
- on tenterhooks,
- on tiptoe,
- out of earshot,
- quakingly,
- quivering,
- secretly,
- shrinkingly,
- shyly,
- sotto voce,
- sub rosa,
- submissively,
- taut,
- tense,
- timidly,
- timorously,
- tremblingly,
- tremulously,
- under the breath,
- under the rose,
- undercover,
- underground,
- with breathless expectation,
- with due deference,
- with muscles tense