Exact Match:
- yea
- an affirmative; "The yeas have it"
- not only so, but; "I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice"
- Australian ballot,
- Hare system,
- OK,
- a fortiori,
- above all,
- acceptance,
- additionally,
- adherence,
- admiration,
- affirmative,
- affirmative attitude,
- affirmativeness,
- agreed,
- all right,
- all the more,
- along,
- amen,
- approbation,
- approval,
- as well,
- aye,
- ballot,
- besides,
- blessing,
- canvass,
- canvassing,
- casting vote,
- chiefly,
- countenance,
- counting heads,
- cumulative voting,
- deciding vote,
- division,
- dominantly,
- endorsement,
- enfranchisement,
- especially,
- esteem,
- even,
- ever so,
- fagot vote,
- favor,
- favorable vote,
- first of all,
- franchise,
- graveyard vote,
- hand vote,
- in chief,
- in the main,
- indeed,
- likewise,
- list system,
- mainly,
- more,
- more than ever,
- moreover,
- mostly,
- nay,
- never so,
- no,
- no end,
- nod,
- nod of assent,
- nontransferable vote,
- particularly,
- peculiarly,
- plebiscite,
- plebiscitum,
- plumper,
- plural vote,
- poll,
- polling,
- predominantly,
- preferential voting,
- primarily,
- principally,
- proportional representation,
- proxy,
- record vote,
- referendum,
- representation,
- respect,
- right to vote,
- rising vote,
- sanction,
- say,
- seal of approval,
- secret ballot,
- show of hands,
- single vote,
- snap vote,
- stamp of approval,
- still more,
- straw vote,
- suffrage,
- thumbs-up,
- too,
- transferable vote,
- truly,
- verily,
- viva voce,
- voice,
- voice vote,
- vote,
- voting,
- voting right,
- write-in,
- write-in vote,
- yea vote,
- yea-saying,
- yeas and nays,
- yep,
- yes,
- yet