Exact Match:
- Immaculate Conception
- (Christianity) the Roman Catholic dogma that God preserved the Virgin Mary from any stain of original sin from the moment she was conceived
- Roman Catholic holy day first celebrated in 1854
- Dei Mater,
- Deipara,
- Holy Mary,
- Mariolatry,
- Mariology,
- Mother of God,
- Notre Dame,
- Our Lady,
- Queen of Angels,
- Queen of Heaven,
- Regina Angelorum,
- Regina Coeli,
- Sancta Virgo Virginum,
- Stella Maris,
- Theotokos,
- Virgin Most Glorious,
- Virgin Most Merciful,
- Virgin Most Powerful,
- Virgin Most Renowned,
- Virgin Most Venerable,
- Virgin Most Wise,
- Virgo Clemens,
- Virgo Gloriosa,
- Virgo Potens,
- Virgo Praedicanda,
- Virgo Sapientissima,
- Virgo Sponsa Dei,
- Virgo Veneranda,
- mater dolorosa,
- the Blessed Virgin,
- the Sorrowful Mother,
- the Virgin,
- the Virgin Mary,
- the Virgin Mother