Exact Match:
- Minos
- son of Zeus and Europa; king of ancient Crete; ordered Daedalus to build the labyrinth; after death Minos became a judge in the underworld
- Aeacus,
- Aides,
- Aidoneus,
- Astraea,
- Cerberus,
- Charon,
- Cora,
- Despoina,
- Dike,
- Dis,
- Dis pater,
- Erebus,
- Hades,
- Hel,
- Jupiter Fidius,
- Justice,
- Justitia,
- Kore,
- Loki,
- Nemesis,
- Orcus,
- Osiris,
- Persephassa,
- Persephone,
- Pluto,
- Pontius Pilate,
- Proserpina,
- Proserpine,
- Rhadamanthus,
- Satan,
- Solomon,
- Themis,
- blindfolded Justice