Exact Match:
- Samson
- (Old Testament) a judge of Israel who performed herculean feats of strength against the Philistines until he was betrayed to them by his mistress Delilah
- Achilles,
- Antaeus,
- Atlas,
- Briareus,
- Brobdingnagian,
- Charles Atlas,
- Cyclops,
- David,
- Goliath,
- Hector,
- Hercules,
- Polyphemus,
- Roland,
- Superman,
- Tarzan,
- Titan,
- a man,
- brave,
- bulldog,
- bully,
- bullyboy,
- chutzpanik,
- colossus,
- decorated hero,
- demigod,
- demigoddess,
- fighting cock,
- gallant,
- gamecock,
- giant,
- good soldier,
- gorilla,
- hero,
- heroine,
- lion,
- man of courage,
- muscle man,
- paladin,
- powerhouse,
- stalwart,
- strong man,
- strong-arm man,
- the brave,
- the mighty,
- the strong,
- tiger,
- tough,
- tough guy,
- tower of strength,
- valiant,
- valiant knight