Exact Match:
- abstruse
- difficult to penetrate; incomprehensible to one of ordinary understanding or knowledge; "the professor's lectures were so abstruse that students tended to avoid them"; "a deep metaphysical theory"; "some recondite problem in historiography"
- Herculean,
- abstract,
- arcane,
- arduous,
- beclouded,
- blind,
- brutal,
- buried,
- civilized,
- close,
- clouded,
- complex,
- complicated,
- concealed,
- covered,
- covert,
- critical,
- cultivated,
- cultured,
- deep,
- delicate,
- demanding,
- difficile,
- difficult,
- eclipsed,
- educated,
- encyclopedic,
- erudite,
- esoteric,
- exacting,
- formidable,
- hairy,
- hard,
- hard-earned,
- hard-fought,
- heavy,
- hermetic,
- hid,
- hidden,
- hypothetical,
- ideal,
- in a cloud,
- in a fog,
- in eclipse,
- in purdah,
- in the wings,
- incommunicado,
- intricate,
- jawbreaking,
- knotted,
- knotty,
- laborious,
- latent,
- learned,
- lettered,
- literate,
- mean,
- mysterious,
- no picnic,
- not easy,
- obfuscated,
- obscure,
- obscured,
- occult,
- operose,
- pansophic,
- polyhistoric,
- polymath,
- polymathic,
- profound,
- recondite,
- rigorous,
- rough,
- rugged,
- scholarly,
- scholastic,
- secluded,
- secluse,
- secret,
- sequestered,
- set with thorns,
- severe,
- spiny,
- steep,
- strenuous,
- studious,
- thorny,
- ticklish,
- toilsome,
- tough,
- transcendental,
- tricky,
- under an eclipse,
- under cover,
- under house arrest,
- under wraps,
- underground,
- unknown,
- uphill,
- wicked,
- wise,
- wrapped in clouds