Exact Match:
- accountable
- liable to account for one's actions; "governments must be accountable to someone beside themselves"; "fully accountable for what they did"; "the court held the parents answerable for their minor child's acts of vandalism"; "he was answerable to no one"
- Englishable,
- alleged,
- amenable,
- answerable,
- ascribable,
- assignable,
- attributable,
- attributed,
- chargeable,
- charged,
- construable,
- credited,
- definable,
- derivable from,
- derivational,
- derivative,
- describable,
- due,
- explainable,
- explicable,
- imputable,
- imputed,
- interpretable,
- liable,
- obligated,
- obliged,
- owing,
- putative,
- referable,
- referred to,
- renderable,
- responsible,
- responsible for,
- to blame,
- traceable,
- translatable