Exact Match:
- admiration
- a favorable judgment; "a small token in admiration of your works"
- a feeling of delighted approval and liking
- Amor,
- Christian love,
- Eros,
- OK,
- Platonic love,
- acceptance,
- account,
- adherence,
- adoration,
- affection,
- agape,
- amaze,
- amazement,
- apotheosis,
- appreciation,
- approbation,
- approval,
- ardency,
- ardor,
- astonishment,
- astoundment,
- attachment,
- awe,
- beguilement,
- bewilderment,
- blessing,
- bodily love,
- breathless adoration,
- breathless wonder,
- brotherly love,
- caritas,
- charity,
- conjugal love,
- consideration,
- countenance,
- courtesy,
- deference,
- deification,
- delight,
- desire,
- devotion,
- dumbfoundment,
- duty,
- ecstasy,
- endorsement,
- esteem,
- estimation,
- exaggerated respect,
- faithful love,
- fancy,
- fascination,
- favor,
- favorable vote,
- fervor,
- flame,
- fondness,
- free love,
- free-lovism,
- great respect,
- heart,
- hero worship,
- high regard,
- homage,
- honor,
- idolatry,
- idolism,
- idolization,
- lasciviousness,
- libido,
- like,
- liking,
- love,
- lovemaking,
- married love,
- marvel,
- marveling,
- nod,
- passion,
- physical love,
- pleasure,
- popular regard,
- popularity,
- prestige,
- puzzlement,
- rapture,
- regard,
- respect,
- reverence,
- reverential regard,
- sanction,
- seal of approval,
- sense of mystery,
- sense of wonder,
- sentiment,
- sex,
- sexual love,
- shine,
- spiritual love,
- stamp of approval,
- stupefaction,
- surprise,
- tender feeling,
- tender passion,
- transport,
- truelove,
- uxoriousness,
- veneration,
- voice,
- vote,
- weakness,
- wonder,
- wonderment,
- worship,
- yea,
- yea vote,
- yearning