Exact Match:
- advantageous
- giving an advantage; "a contract advantageous to our country"; "socially advantageous to entertain often"
- appropriate for achieving a particular end; implies a lack of concern for fairness
- acceptable,
- advisable,
- agreeable,
- appropriate,
- auspicious,
- banausic,
- becoming,
- befitting,
- beneficial,
- benevolent,
- bon,
- bonny,
- brave,
- braw,
- breadwinning,
- bueno,
- capital,
- cogent,
- commendable,
- commodious,
- conducive,
- congruous,
- contributory,
- convenient,
- decent,
- desirable,
- elegant,
- employable,
- estimable,
- excellent,
- expedient,
- fair,
- famous,
- fat,
- favorable,
- favoring,
- feasible,
- felicitous,
- fine,
- fit,
- fitten,
- fitting,
- fructuous,
- functional,
- gainful,
- good,
- good for,
- goodly,
- grand,
- happy,
- healthy,
- helpful,
- in the black,
- instrumental,
- kind,
- laudable,
- likely,
- lucrative,
- meet,
- moneymaking,
- nice,
- noble,
- of general utility,
- of help,
- of service,
- of use,
- opportune,
- paying,
- pleasant,
- pleasing,
- politic,
- practical,
- pragmatical,
- productive,
- profitable,
- proper,
- propitious,
- recommendable,
- regal,
- remedial,
- remunerative,
- right,
- royal,
- salutary,
- satisfactory,
- satisfying,
- seasonable,
- seemly,
- serviceable,
- skillful,
- sortable,
- sound,
- splendid,
- suitable,
- timely,
- to be desired,
- toward,
- useful,
- utilitarian,
- valid,
- valuable,
- very good,
- virtuous,
- well-paying,
- well-timed,
- wise,
- worthwhile