Exact Match:
- afterglow
- the pleasure of remembering some pleasant event; "he basked in the afterglow of his victory"
- a glow sometimes seen in the sky after sunset
- afterbirth,
- afterclap,
- aftercrop,
- aftereffect,
- aftergrowth,
- afterimage,
- aftermath,
- afterpain,
- aftertaste,
- air glow,
- balance,
- butt,
- butt end,
- by-product,
- candescence,
- candle ends,
- chaff,
- debris,
- detritus,
- end,
- fag end,
- filings,
- flush,
- fossil,
- gleam,
- glint,
- gloss,
- glow,
- holdover,
- husks,
- incandescence,
- leavings,
- leftovers,
- luster,
- odds and ends,
- offscourings,
- orts,
- parings,
- placenta,
- rags,
- refuse,
- relics,
- remainder,
- remains,
- remnant,
- residue,
- residuum,
- rest,
- roach,
- rubbish,
- ruins,
- rump,
- sawdust,
- scourings,
- scraps,
- secundines,
- shadow,
- shavings,
- sheen,
- shine,
- shininess,
- shining light,
- side effect,
- skylight,
- straw,
- stubble,
- stump,
- sunset glow,
- survival,
- sweepings,
- trace,
- track,
- trail,
- vestige,
- wake,
- waste