Exact Match:
- alliance
- a formal agreement establishing an association or alliance between nations or other groups to achieve a particular aim
- an organization of people (or countries) involved in a pact or treaty
- a connection based on kinship or marriage or common interest; "the shifting alliances within a large family"; "their friendship constitutes a powerful bond between them"
- the state of being allied or confederated
- Anschluss,
- Bund,
- Rochdale cooperative,
- a world-without-end bargain,
- accompaniment,
- accord,
- accordance,
- addition,
- adjunct,
- affairs,
- affiliation,
- affinity,
- agglomeration,
- aggregation,
- agnation,
- agreement,
- alignment,
- alikeness,
- amalgamation,
- analogy,
- ancestry,
- anschluss,
- aping,
- approach,
- approximation,
- assemblage,
- assimilation,
- association,
- axis,
- band,
- bed,
- blend,
- blending,
- bloc,
- blood,
- blood relationship,
- body,
- bond,
- bond of matrimony,
- bridebed,
- brotherhood,
- brothership,
- cabal,
- cahoots,
- capitulation,
- cartel,
- centralization,
- closeness,
- club,
- co-working,
- coaction,
- coadunation,
- coalescence,
- coalition,
- cognation,
- cohabitation,
- coincidence,
- collaboration,
- colleagueship,
- collectivity,
- college,
- collegialism,
- collegiality,
- collusion,
- combination,
- combine,
- combined effort,
- combo,
- common ancestry,
- common descent,
- common market,
- community,
- comparability,
- comparison,
- composition,
- comradeship,
- concert,
- concerted action,
- concomitance,
- concord,
- concordance,
- concordat,
- concourse,
- concurrence,
- confederacy,
- confederation,
- confluence,
- conformity,
- confraternity,
- congeries,
- conglomeration,
- conjugal bond,
- conjugal knot,
- conjugation,
- conjunction,
- connectedness,
- connection,
- consanguinity,
- consilience,
- consolidation,
- conspiracy,
- consumer cooperative,
- contiguity,
- contrariety,
- convention,
- cooperation,
- cooperative,
- cooperative society,
- copartnership,
- copartnery,
- copying,
- corps,
- correspondence,
- council,
- cousinhood,
- cousinship,
- coverture,
- credit union,
- customs union,
- dealings,
- deduction,
- disjunction,
- economic community,
- ecumenism,
- embodiment,
- enation,
- encompassment,
- enosis,
- entente,
- entente cordiale,
- fatherhood,
- federalization,
- federation,
- fellowship,
- filiation,
- fraternalism,
- fraternity,
- fraternization,
- free trade area,
- freemasonry,
- fusion,
- gang,
- group,
- grouping,
- holy matrimony,
- holy wedlock,
- homology,
- hookup,
- husbandhood,
- identity,
- ill-assorted marriage,
- imitation,
- inclusion,
- incorporation,
- integration,
- intercourse,
- intermarriage,
- international agreement,
- interracial marriage,
- intimacy,
- junction,
- junta,
- kindred,
- kinship,
- league,
- liaison,
- likeness,
- likening,
- link,
- linkage,
- linking,
- machine,
- marriage,
- marriage bed,
- marriage sacrament,
- match,
- maternity,
- matrilineage,
- matriliny,
- matrimonial union,
- matrimony,
- matrisib,
- matrocliny,
- meld,
- melding,
- merger,
- mesalliance,
- metaphor,
- mimicking,
- misalliance,
- miscegenation,
- mixed marriage,
- mob,
- motherhood,
- mutual attraction,
- mutual-defense treaty,
- nearness,
- nonaggression pact,
- nuptial bond,
- order,
- package,
- package deal,
- pact,
- paction,
- parallelism,
- parasitism,
- parity,
- partnership,
- paternity,
- patrilineage,
- patriliny,
- patrisib,
- patrocliny,
- political machine,
- propinquity,
- proximity,
- rapport,
- relatedness,
- relation,
- relations,
- relationship,
- resemblance,
- ring,
- sacrament of matrimony,
- sameness,
- saprophytism,
- semblance,
- sibship,
- similarity,
- simile,
- similitude,
- simulation,
- simultaneity,
- sisterhood,
- sistership,
- society,
- sodality,
- solidification,
- sorority,
- spousehood,
- symbiosis,
- sympathy,
- synchronism,
- syncretism,
- syndication,
- syneresis,
- synergy,
- synthesis,
- tie,
- tie-in,
- tie-up,
- ties of blood,
- treaty,
- unification,
- union,
- united action,
- unity,
- wedded bliss,
- wedded state,
- weddedness,
- wedding,
- wedding knot,
- wedlock,
- wifehood