Exact Match:
- amalgamation
- the combination of two or more commercial companies
- Anschluss,
- addition,
- admixture,
- affiliation,
- agglomeration,
- aggregation,
- agreement,
- alignment,
- alliance,
- alloy,
- alloyage,
- amalgam,
- assimilation,
- association,
- blend,
- blending,
- cabal,
- cahoots,
- cartel,
- centralization,
- coadunation,
- coalescence,
- coalescing,
- coalition,
- colleagueship,
- collegialism,
- collegiality,
- combination,
- combine,
- combo,
- comminglement,
- commingling,
- commixture,
- composite,
- composition,
- compost,
- compound,
- comradeship,
- confederacy,
- confederation,
- confraternity,
- congeries,
- conglomeration,
- conjugation,
- conjunction,
- consolidating,
- consolidation,
- conspiracy,
- copartnership,
- copartnery,
- eclecticism,
- ecumenism,
- embodiment,
- encompassment,
- enosis,
- federalization,
- federation,
- fellowship,
- fraternalism,
- fraternity,
- fraternization,
- freemasonry,
- fusing,
- fusion,
- hookup,
- immixture,
- inclusion,
- incorporation,
- integration,
- interfusion,
- interlarding,
- interlardment,
- interminglement,
- intermingling,
- intermixture,
- joining,
- junction,
- junta,
- league,
- marriage,
- meld,
- melding,
- merger,
- mingling,
- mixing,
- mixture,
- package,
- package deal,
- partnership,
- pluralism,
- sodality,
- solidification,
- sorority,
- syncretism,
- syndication,
- syneresis,
- synthesis,
- tie-in,
- tie-up,
- unification,
- union,
- uniting,
- wedding