Exact Match:
- art
- the creation of beautiful or significant things; "art does not need to be innovative to be good"; "I was never any good at art"; "he said that architecture is the art of wasting space beautifully"
- the products of human creativity; works of art collectively; "an art exhibition"; "a fine collection of art"
- a superior skill that you can learn by study and practice and observation; "the art of conversation"; "it's quite an art"
- American,
- Art Nouveau,
- Ashcan school,
- Barbizon,
- Bauhaus,
- Bolognese,
- British,
- Cobra,
- Dadaism,
- Dutch,
- Fauvism,
- Flemish,
- Fontainebleau,
- French,
- Gothicism,
- Italian,
- Italian hand,
- Mannerist,
- Milanese,
- Modenese,
- Momentum,
- Neapolitan,
- New York,
- Paduan,
- Parisian,
- Phases,
- Pre-Raphaelite,
- Raphaelite,
- Reflex,
- Restany,
- Roman,
- Scottish,
- Sienese,
- Spur,
- Suprematism,
- The Ten,
- Tuscan,
- Umbrian,
- Venetian,
- Washington,
- abstract expressionism,
- abstractionism,
- academic discipline,
- academic specialty,
- action painting,
- acuteness,
- address,
- adroitness,
- alphabet,
- applied science,
- area,
- arena,
- art nouveau,
- art schools,
- artful dodge,
- artfulness,
- artifice,
- artistic skill,
- artistry,
- arty-craftiness,
- astuteness,
- baroque,
- blind,
- blueprint,
- business,
- cageyness,
- callidity,
- calling,
- canniness,
- capability,
- career,
- career building,
- careerism,
- charactering,
- characterization,
- chart,
- chicanery,
- choreography,
- classicalism,
- classicism,
- cleverness,
- cloisonnism,
- competence,
- conceptual art,
- concern,
- conspiracy,
- constructivism,
- contrivance,
- conventional representation,
- conventionalism,
- coup,
- craft,
- craftiness,
- cubism,
- cunning,
- cunningness,
- cute trick,
- dance notation,
- deceit,
- delineation,
- demonstration,
- department of knowledge,
- depiction,
- depictment,
- design,
- device,
- dexterity,
- diagram,
- discipline,
- dodge,
- domain,
- drama,
- drawing,
- earth art,
- eclectic,
- elementarism,
- exemplification,
- existentialism,
- expedient,
- expertise,
- expressionism,
- fakement,
- feel,
- feint,
- fetch,
- field,
- field of inquiry,
- field of study,
- figuration,
- fine Italian hand,
- finesse,
- flair,
- foxiness,
- free abstraction,
- futurism,
- gambit,
- game,
- gamesmanship,
- gimmick,
- grift,
- groups,
- guile,
- hallucinatory painting,
- handicraft,
- handiness,
- hang,
- hieroglyphic,
- iconography,
- idealism,
- ideogram,
- illustration,
- imagery,
- imaging,
- impressionism,
- ingeniousness,
- insidiousness,
- intimism,
- intrigue,
- intuitionism,
- inventiveness,
- jugglery,
- kinetic art,
- knack,
- knavery,
- know-how,
- letter,
- lifework,
- limning,
- line,
- line of business,
- line of work,
- linear chromatism,
- little game,
- logogram,
- logograph,
- maneuver,
- map,
- matter painting,
- mechanics,
- mechanism,
- method,
- metier,
- minimal art,
- mission,
- modernism,
- move,
- musical notation,
- mystery,
- mysticism,
- natural science,
- naturalism,
- neoclassicism,
- neoconcrete art,
- neoconstructivism,
- nonobjectivism,
- notation,
- nuagism,
- number,
- occupation,
- ology,
- one-upmanship,
- op art,
- photomontage,
- pictogram,
- picturization,
- plan,
- plein-air,
- plot,
- ploy,
- poetic realism,
- poetic tachism,
- pointillism,
- portraiture,
- portrayal,
- postexpressionism,
- practice,
- prefigurement,
- preimpressionism,
- presentment,
- primitivism,
- printing,
- profession,
- proficiency,
- projection,
- province,
- pure science,
- purism,
- pursuit,
- quietistic painting,
- racket,
- readiness,
- realism,
- realization,
- red herring,
- rendering,
- rendition,
- representation,
- representationalism,
- representationism,
- resourcefulness,
- romanticism,
- ruse,
- satanic cunning,
- savvy,
- schema,
- scheme,
- science,
- score,
- script,
- sharpness,
- shift,
- shiftiness,
- shrewdness,
- skill,
- sleight,
- slipperiness,
- slyness,
- sneakiness,
- social science,
- sophistry,
- specialization,
- specialty,
- sphere,
- stealth,
- stealthiness,
- stratagem,
- strategy,
- study,
- subterfuge,
- subtilty,
- subtleness,
- subtlety,
- suppleness,
- suprematism,
- surrealism,
- syllabary,
- symbol,
- symbolism,
- synchromism,
- synthesism,
- tablature,
- tachism,
- tactic,
- talent,
- technic,
- technical know-how,
- technical knowledge,
- technical skill,
- technicology,
- technics,
- technique,
- technology,
- touch,
- trade,
- traditionalism,
- trick,
- trickery,
- trickiness,
- unism,
- virtu,
- vocation,
- vorticism,
- walk,
- walk of life,
- wariness,
- way,
- wile,
- wiles,
- wiliness,
- wily device,
- wit,
- work,
- writing