Exact Match:
- astrologer
- someone who predicts the future by the positions of the planets and sun and moon
- Cassandra,
- Chaldean,
- Druid,
- astroalchemist,
- astrologian,
- astromancer,
- augur,
- calamity howler,
- crystal gazer,
- divinator,
- diviner,
- divineress,
- forecaster,
- foreknower,
- foreseer,
- foreshower,
- foreteller,
- fortuneteller,
- genethliac,
- geomancer,
- haruspex,
- horoscoper,
- horoscopist,
- palmist,
- predictor,
- prefigurer,
- presager,
- prognosticator,
- prophesier,
- prophet,
- prophet of doom,
- prophetess,
- psychic,
- pythoness,
- religious prophets,
- seer,
- seeress,
- soothsayer,
- stargazer,
- vates,
- weather prophet