Exact Match:
- austerity
- the trait of great self-denial (especially refraining from worldly pleasures)
- Albigensianism,
- Catharism,
- Franciscanism,
- Lenten fare,
- Sabbatarianism,
- Spartan simplicity,
- Spartanism,
- Trappism,
- Waldensianism,
- Yoga,
- abstinence,
- anchoritic monasticism,
- anchoritism,
- asceticism,
- astringency,
- austerity program,
- authoritarianism,
- baldness,
- bareness,
- candor,
- canniness,
- care,
- carefulness,
- chariness,
- common speech,
- demandingness,
- directness,
- discipline,
- economic planning,
- economicalness,
- economy,
- economy of means,
- eremitism,
- exactingness,
- exiguity,
- exiguousness,
- false economy,
- fasting,
- flagellation,
- forehandedness,
- frankness,
- frugality,
- frugalness,
- good management,
- grimness,
- hardness,
- harshness,
- homespun,
- household words,
- husbandry,
- inclemency,
- inornateness,
- jejuneness,
- jejunity,
- leanness,
- maceration,
- management,
- matter-of-factness,
- meagerness,
- meanness,
- mendicantism,
- meticulousness,
- miserliness,
- monachism,
- monasticism,
- mortification,
- narrowness,
- naturalness,
- niggardliness,
- openness,
- paltriness,
- parsimoniousness,
- parsimony,
- plain English,
- plain speaking,
- plain speech,
- plain style,
- plain words,
- plainness,
- prosaicness,
- prosiness,
- providence,
- prudence,
- prudential administration,
- puniness,
- puritanism,
- regimentation,
- restrainedness,
- rigid discipline,
- rigor,
- roughness,
- ruggedness,
- rustic style,
- scantiness,
- scantness,
- scrawniness,
- scrimpiness,
- self-denial,
- self-mortification,
- severity,
- simpleness,
- simplicity,
- skimpiness,
- slenderness,
- slightness,
- slim pickings,
- slimness,
- smallness,
- soberness,
- spareness,
- sparingness,
- starkness,
- sternness,
- stinginess,
- straightforwardness,
- strictness,
- stringency,
- thinness,
- thrift,
- thriftiness,
- tight purse strings,
- toughness,
- unadorned style,
- unadornedness,
- unaffectedness,
- unelaborateness,
- unfanciness,
- unfussiness,
- ungentleness,
- unimaginativeness,
- unpoeticalness,
- unwastefulness,
- vernacular,
- voluntary poverty