(sometimes followed by `to') meeting the requirements especially of a task; "she had adequate training"; "her training was adequate"; "she was adequate to the job"
about average; acceptable; "more than adequate as a secretary"
enough to meet a purpose; "an adequate income"; "the food was adequate"; "a decent wage"; "enough food"; "food enough"
an adequate quantity; a quantity that is large enough to achieve a purpose; "enough is as good as a feast"; "there is more than a sufficiency of lawyers in this country"
as much as necessary; "Have I eaten enough?"; (`plenty' is nonstandard) "I've had plenty, thanks"
that which is deserved or owed; "give the devil his due"
a payment that is due (e.g., as the price of membership); "the society dropped him for non-payment of dues"
owed and payable immediately or on demand; "payment is due"
suitable to or expected in the circumstances; "all due respect"; "due cause to honor them"; "a long due promotion"; "in due course"; "due esteem"; " exercising due care"
conforming to conventions of sexual behavior; "speech in this circle, if not always decent, never became lewd"- George Santayana
observing conventional sexual mores in speech or behavior or dress; "a modest neckline in her dress"; "though one of her shoulder straps had slipped down, she was perfectly decent by current standards"
decently clothed; "are you decent?"
socially or conventionally correct; refined or virtuous; "from a decent family"; "a nice girl"
in a close relation or position in time or space; "the onsets were closely timed"; "houses set closely together"; "was closely involved in monitoring daily progress"
in a close manner; "the two phenomena are intimately connected"; "the person most nearly concerned"
by a small margin; "they could barely hear the speaker"; "we hardly knew them"; "just missed being hit"; "had scarcely rung the bell when the door flew open"; "would have scarce arrived before she would have found some excuse to leave"- W.B.Yeats
to a small degree or extent; "his arguments were somewhat self-contradictory"; "the children argued because one slice of cake was slightly larger than the other"