eager to acquire and possess things especially material possessions or ideas; "an acquisitive mind"; "an acquisitive society in which the craving for material things seems never satisfied"
being satisfactory or in satisfactory condition; "an all-right movie"; "the passengers were shaken up but are all right"; "is everything all right?"; "everything's fine"; "things are okay"; "dinner and the movies had been fine"; "another minute I'd have been fine"
without doubt (used to reinforce an assertion); "it's expensive all right"
used especially of what is legally or ethically right or proper or fitting; "a just and lasting peace"- A.Lincoln; "a kind and just man"; "a just reward"; "his just inheritance"
only a moment ago; "he has just arrived"; "the sun just now came out"
absolutely; "I just can't take it anymore"; "he was just grand as Romeo"; "it's simply beautiful!"
the manner in which something fits; "I admired the fit of her coat"
a display of bad temper; "he had a fit"; "she threw a tantrum"; "he made a scene"
physically and mentally sound or healthy; "felt relaxed and fit after their holiday"; "keeps fit with diet and exercise"
meeting adequate standards for a purpose; "a fit subject for discussion"; "it is fit and proper that you be there"; "water fit to drink"; "fit for duty"; "do as you see fit to"
insert or adjust several objects or people; "Can you fit the toy into the box?"; "This man can't fit himself into our work environment"
make fit; "fit a dress"; "He fitted other pieces of paper to his cut-out"
be the right size or shape; fit correctly or as desired; "This piece won't fit into the puzzle"
conform to some shape or size; "How does this shirt fit?"
separate or apart in time; "distant events"; "the remote past or future"
separated in space or coming from or going to a distance; "distant villages"; "the sound of distant traffic"; "a distant sound"; "a distant telephone call"
far apart in relevance or relationship; "a distant cousin"; "a distant likeness"
disposed to avoid notice; "they considered themselves a tough outfit and weren't bashful about letting anybody know it"; (`blate' is a Scottish term for bashful)
self-consciously timid; "I never laughed, being bashful; lowering my head, I looked at the wall"- Ezra Pound
not clearly defined or easy to perceive or understand; "indistinct shapes in the gloom"; "an indistinct memory"; "only indistinct notions of what to do"
presumptuously arrogant; "had a witty but overweening manner"; "no idea how overweening he would be"- S.V.Benet; "getting a little uppity and needed to be slapped down"- NY Times