- DR,
- alive to,
- appreciative of,
- apprised of,
- awake to,
- aware of,
- back to back,
- backstage,
- before an audience,
- before the footlights,
- behind,
- behind the curtain,
- behind the veil,
- camouflaged,
- causal,
- causative,
- cognizant of,
- concealed,
- conscious of,
- constitutive,
- covertly,
- decisive,
- determinative,
- disguised,
- down left,
- down right,
- downstage,
- effectual,
- etiological,
- formative,
- hep to,
- hidden,
- imperceptible,
- in a corner,
- in a whisper,
- in back of,
- in darkness,
- in hidlings,
- in secret,
- in the background,
- in the dark,
- in the know,
- in the limelight,
- in the rear,
- in the secret,
- indiscernible,
- informed of,
- insensible,
- institutive,
- invisible,
- latent,
- let into,
- mindful of,
- no stranger to,
- nobody the wiser,
- occasional,
- off stage,
- on the stage,
- on to,
- onstage,
- originative,
- out of sight,
- pivotal,
- privy to,
- secret,
- secretly,
- seized of,
- sensible of,
- sensible to,
- sightless,
- sotto voce,
- streetwise,
- sub rosa,
- submerged,
- tandem,
- unapparent,
- unbeheld,
- unbeholdable,
- undeceived,
- under the breath,
- under the rose,
- undercover,
- underground,
- undiscernible,
- unnoticed,
- unobserved,
- unperceivable,
- unperceived,
- unrealized,
- unseeable,
- unseen,
- unviewed,
- unwitnessed,
- up left,
- upright,
- upstage,
- viewless,
- wise to,
- with bated breath