Exact Match:
- beneficence
- the quality of being kind or helpful or generous
- doing good; feeling beneficent
- Benthamism,
- Christian charity,
- Christian love,
- agape,
- alms,
- altruism,
- auspiciousness,
- benefaction,
- benevolence,
- benevolent disposition,
- benevolentness,
- benignancy,
- benignity,
- bigheartedness,
- brightness,
- brotherly love,
- caritas,
- charitableness,
- charity,
- cheerfulness,
- cheeriness,
- contribution,
- do-goodism,
- favorableness,
- flower power,
- fortunateness,
- generosity,
- giving,
- good auspices,
- good omen,
- goodwill,
- grace,
- greatheartedness,
- humanitarianism,
- largeheartedness,
- love,
- love of mankind,
- luckiness,
- offering,
- philanthropism,
- philanthropy,
- propitiousness,
- prosperousness,
- utilitarianism,
- welfarism,
- well-disposedness