Exact Match:
- bipartite
- involving two parts or elements; "a bipartite document"; "a two-way treaty"
- divided into two portions almost to the base
- apart,
- asunder,
- biaxial,
- bicameral,
- bicuspid,
- bifid,
- biform,
- bifurcated,
- bilateral,
- binocular,
- binomial,
- binominal,
- bipartisan,
- biped,
- bipetalous,
- bipinnate,
- bisexual,
- bivalent,
- dichotomous,
- discontinuous,
- discrete,
- distinct,
- divergent,
- double,
- duadic,
- dual,
- dualistic,
- duplex,
- duplicated,
- dyadic,
- identical,
- in two,
- incoherent,
- insular,
- matched,
- noncohesive,
- partitioned,
- separate,
- twain,
- twin,
- twinned,
- two,
- two-sided,
- unassociated,
- unattached,
- unattended,
- unconnected,
- unibivalent,
- unjoined