Exact Match:
- blank
- a cartridge containing an explosive charge but no bullet
- a piece of material ready to be made into something
- a substitute for a taboo word; "I hit the blank blank car"
- void of expression; "a blank stare"
- (of a surface) not written or printed on; "blank pages"; "fill in the blank spaces"; "a clean page"; "wide white margins"
- not charged with a bullet; "a blank cartridge"
- keep the opposing (baseball) team from winning
- Olympian,
- absence,
- absolute,
- aloof,
- arid,
- awayness,
- backward,
- bald,
- bare,
- barren,
- bashful,
- bewildered,
- black,
- blah,
- bland,
- blankminded,
- bleached,
- blind,
- blind-alley,
- bloodless,
- box,
- calm,
- cecal,
- characterless,
- chasm,
- chilled,
- chilly,
- chirograph,
- choked,
- choked off,
- clean slate,
- clear,
- closed,
- cold,
- colorless,
- complete,
- confused,
- constrained,
- constricted,
- contracted,
- cool,
- dazed,
- dead,
- dead-end,
- deadpan,
- deprivation,
- detached,
- devoid,
- discomfited,
- disconcerted,
- discreet,
- dismal,
- distant,
- docket,
- document,
- dossier,
- downright,
- draggy,
- drearisome,
- dreary,
- dry,
- dryasdust,
- dull,
- dusty,
- effete,
- elephantine,
- emotionless,
- emptiness,
- empty,
- empty space,
- empty-headed,
- empty-minded,
- empty-pated,
- empty-skulled,
- etiolated,
- expressionless,
- fade,
- fatuous,
- featureless,
- file,
- fishy,
- flat,
- forbidding,
- form,
- frigid,
- frosty,
- glassy,
- guarded,
- heavy,
- helpless,
- ho-hum,
- hollow,
- holograph,
- icy,
- impassive,
- impersonal,
- inaccessible,
- inane,
- inanity,
- incogitant,
- inexcitable,
- inexpressive,
- insipid,
- instrument,
- introverted,
- jejune,
- lack,
- leaden,
- legal document,
- legal instrument,
- legal paper,
- lifeless,
- line,
- low-spirited,
- mindless,
- modest,
- naked,
- neverness,
- nil,
- nirvanic,
- nonexistence,
- nonoccurrence,
- nonplussed,
- nonpresence,
- nothing,
- nothingness,
- nowhereness,
- nude,
- null,
- null and void,
- oblivious,
- official document,
- offish,
- out-and-out,
- overlook,
- oversight,
- pale,
- pallid,
- paper,
- papers,
- parchment,
- passive,
- pedestrian,
- perfect,
- perplexed,
- personal file,
- plain,
- plodding,
- pointless,
- poker-faced,
- poky,
- ponderous,
- preterition,
- pure,
- quietistic,
- rattlebrained,
- rattleheaded,
- regular,
- relaxed,
- remote,
- removed,
- repressed,
- reserved,
- restrained,
- reticent,
- retiring,
- roll,
- scatterbrained,
- scrip,
- script,
- scroll,
- sheer,
- shrinking,
- shut,
- skip,
- slow,
- solemn,
- space,
- spiritless,
- squeezed shut,
- standoff,
- standoffish,
- stark,
- sterile,
- stiff,
- stodgy,
- straight-out,
- strangulated,
- stuffy,
- subdued,
- subtraction,
- superficial,
- suppressed,
- tabula rasa,
- tasteless,
- tedious,
- thoughtfree,
- thoughtless,
- tranquil,
- unadorned,
- unadulterated,
- unaffable,
- unapproachable,
- unarrayed,
- uncomplicated,
- uncongenial,
- undecked,
- undecorated,
- undemonstrative,
- undressed,
- unembellished,
- unexpansive,
- unexpressive,
- unfurbished,
- ungarnished,
- ungenial,
- unideaed,
- unintellectual,
- unlively,
- unmixed,
- unoccupied,
- unopen,
- unopened,
- unornamented,
- unqualified,
- unreasoning,
- unrelieved,
- unsophisticated,
- unthinking,
- untrimmed,
- unvarnished,
- unvented,
- unventilated,
- utter,
- vacant,
- vacuous,
- vacuum,
- vapid,
- void,
- want,
- white,
- with nothing inside,
- withdrawn,
- without content,
- wooden,
- writ,
- writing,
- zero