Exact Match:
- blocked
- completely obstructed or closed off; "the storm was responsible for many blocked roads and bridges"; "the drain was plugged"
- closed to traffic; "the repaving results in many blocked streets"
- Lethean,
- absentminded,
- amnestic,
- arrested,
- back,
- backward,
- behindhand,
- belated,
- bound,
- choked,
- choked up,
- clogged,
- clogged up,
- congested,
- constipated,
- converted,
- costive,
- delayed,
- delayed-action,
- detained,
- forgetful,
- forgetting,
- foul,
- fouled,
- full,
- heedless,
- held up,
- hung up,
- in a bind,
- in abeyance,
- inclined to forget,
- infarcted,
- jammed,
- late,
- latish,
- moratory,
- never on time,
- oblivious,
- obstipated,
- obstructed,
- overdue,
- packed,
- plugged,
- plugged up,
- repressed,
- retarded,
- slow,
- stopped,
- stopped up,
- stuffed,
- stuffed up,
- suppressed,
- tardy,
- unmindful,
- unpunctual,
- unready,
- untimely