Exact Match:
- capitulation
- the act of surrendering (under agreed conditions); "they were protected until the capitulation of the fort"
- a summary that enumerates the main parts of a topic
- abandonment,
- account,
- accounts,
- alliance,
- body count,
- cartel,
- census,
- cession,
- concord,
- concordat,
- convention,
- count,
- entente,
- entente cordiale,
- giving in,
- giving over,
- giving up,
- head count,
- international agreement,
- inventory,
- league,
- mutual-defense treaty,
- nonaggression pact,
- nose count,
- paction,
- recapitulation,
- recedence,
- recession,
- reckoning,
- recount,
- recounting,
- rehearsal,
- relinquishment,
- renunciation,
- repertory,
- retreat,
- statement,
- submission,
- summary,
- summation,
- summing,
- summing up,
- surrender,
- treaty