Exact Match:
- casino
- a card game in which cards face up on the table are taken with eligible cards in the hand
- a public building for gambling and entertainment
- amusement park,
- ballroom,
- baths,
- betting house,
- betting parlor,
- cabaret,
- cafe chantant,
- cafe dansant,
- club,
- clubhouse,
- crib,
- dance floor,
- dance hall,
- dancery,
- dancing pavilion,
- entertainment industry,
- flat,
- fun-fair,
- gambling den,
- gambling hall,
- gambling hell,
- gambling house,
- gaming house,
- gathering place,
- hangout,
- haunt,
- health resort,
- hell,
- joint,
- juke joint,
- meeting place,
- night spot,
- nightclub,
- nitery,
- poolroom,
- purlieu,
- rallying point,
- resort,
- roadhouse,
- show biz,
- show business,
- spa,
- sporting house,
- springs,
- stamping ground,
- tavern,
- theater,
- watering place