Exact Match:
- cast
- the act of throwing dice
- object formed by a mold
- bandage consisting of a firm covering (often made of plaster of Paris) that immobilizes broken bones while they heal
- the actors in a play
- the distinctive form in which a thing is made; "pottery of this cast was found throughout the region"
- (of molten metal or glass) formed by pouring or pressing into a mold
- form by pouring (e.g., wax or hot metal) into a cast or mold; "cast a bronze sculpture"
- select to play,sing, or dance a part in a play, movie, musical, opera, or ballet; "He cast a young woman in the role of Desdemona"
- deposit; "cast a vote"; "cast a ballot"
- assign the roles of (a movie or a play) to actors; "Who cast this beautiful movie?"
- Ace bandage,
- Band-Aid,
- Platonic form,
- Platonic idea,
- a thing for,
- abandon,
- abdicate,
- about ship,
- account,
- achromatism,
- acting company,
- actor,
- add,
- address,
- adhesive tape,
- aesthetic form,
- affinity,
- age group,
- aggregate,
- aim,
- air,
- algebraize,
- amount,
- animus,
- antagonist,
- antihero,
- application,
- appoint,
- aptitude,
- aptness,
- archetype,
- aroma,
- arrange,
- arrangement,
- art form,
- assemble,
- assembled,
- assign,
- attribute,
- back and fill,
- badge,
- band,
- bandage,
- bandaging,
- barf,
- battalion,
- be confined,
- bear,
- bear a child,
- bear away,
- bear off,
- bear to starboard,
- bear young,
- bearing,
- beat,
- beat about,
- bent,
- bevy,
- bias,
- binder,
- bit,
- bit part,
- blaze,
- blink,
- block out,
- blood,
- blueprint,
- body,
- body-build,
- boot out,
- born,
- bounce,
- bowl,
- box off,
- box score,
- brace,
- brand,
- break,
- breed,
- brigade,
- bring about,
- bring round,
- bring up,
- broadcast,
- bronze,
- brow,
- build,
- built,
- bullion,
- bunch,
- bung,
- burn,
- burn in,
- burn off,
- button,
- cabal,
- cachet,
- calculate,
- calve,
- calved,
- cant,
- cant round,
- carriage,
- carve,
- cashier,
- cast about,
- cast aside,
- cast at,
- cast away,
- cast of characters,
- cast of countenance,
- cast off,
- cast out,
- casting,
- cataplasm,
- catapult,
- cauterize,
- change course,
- change of pace,
- change the heading,
- change-up,
- char,
- character,
- characteristic,
- characteristics,
- characters,
- chart,
- chase,
- chisel,
- choose,
- chorus,
- chromatism,
- chromism,
- chuck,
- chuck at,
- chuck out,
- chunk,
- cipher,
- circus troupe,
- clan,
- clap,
- class,
- clique,
- coal,
- cohort,
- color,
- color balance,
- color harmony,
- color scheme,
- coloration,
- coloring,
- come about,
- company,
- complement,
- complexion,
- compose,
- composition,
- compound,
- compress,
- compute,
- conatus,
- concert,
- concoct,
- conduciveness,
- configuration,
- conformation,
- constituents,
- constitution,
- construct,
- constructed,
- contingent,
- contrive,
- convergent strabismus,
- corps,
- corps de ballet,
- coterie,
- cotton,
- count,
- countenance,
- court plaster,
- covey,
- crack,
- crafted,
- crap,
- craps,
- crasis,
- cravat,
- create,
- created,
- crew,
- cross-eye,
- cross-eyedness,
- crowd,
- cue,
- cupel,
- curve,
- custom,
- custom-built,
- custom-made,
- cut,
- cut out,
- dart,
- dash,
- decorator color,
- deep-six,
- defenestrate,
- delegate,
- delight,
- demeanor,
- denomination,
- description,
- design,
- designate,
- designation,
- desquamation,
- detachment,
- detail,
- detrude,
- devise,
- dharma,
- diathesis,
- die,
- difference,
- differentia,
- differential,
- discard,
- discharge,
- disgorge,
- dismiss,
- disperse,
- dispose of,
- disposition,
- distinctive feature,
- distribute,
- ditch,
- divide,
- division,
- doff,
- dope out,
- double a point,
- downcurve,
- dramatis personae,
- dressing,
- drive out,
- drop,
- dropped,
- dump,
- eagerness,
- earmark,
- eccentricity,
- efform,
- eight,
- eighty-six,
- eject,
- elaborate,
- elastic bandage,
- eleven,
- eliminate,
- engrave,
- ensemble,
- epithem,
- erect,
- esotropia,
- estimate,
- ethos,
- evict,
- evolve,
- exclude,
- exile,
- exotropia,
- expel,
- expression,
- extract roots,
- extracted,
- extrude,
- exuviae,
- exuviate,
- fabricate,
- fabricated,
- face,
- facial appearance,
- faction,
- farrow,
- fashion,
- fashioned,
- fastball,
- fat part,
- favor,
- fawn,
- feather,
- feature,
- features,
- feeder,
- feeling for,
- fetch about,
- fiber,
- figuration,
- figure,
- figure in,
- figure out,
- fire,
- fire at,
- first string,
- first team,
- five,
- fix,
- flame,
- flash,
- flavor,
- fleet,
- fling,
- fling at,
- flip,
- foal,
- foaled,
- foot,
- forecast,
- foretelling,
- forge,
- forged,
- fork,
- form,
- formalize,
- format,
- formation,
- formed,
- formulate,
- formulation,
- forward pass,
- found,
- four-tailed bandage,
- frame,
- fudge together,
- gang,
- garb,
- gate,
- gathered,
- gauze,
- genius,
- genre,
- genus,
- get quit of,
- get rid of,
- get shut of,
- get up,
- give away,
- give birth,
- give the hook,
- given birth,
- giving birth,
- glance,
- gleam,
- glimpse,
- go about,
- grain,
- grave,
- group,
- grouping,
- groupment,
- grown,
- guise,
- gust,
- gybe,
- habit,
- half an eye,
- hallmark,
- handcrafted,
- handmade,
- harvested,
- hatched,
- have,
- have a baby,
- have young,
- heave,
- heave at,
- heave out,
- heave round,
- heavy,
- hero,
- heroine,
- heterotropia,
- hew,
- hint,
- homemade,
- homespun,
- hue,
- humor,
- humors,
- hurl,
- hurl against,
- hurl at,
- hurtle,
- idea,
- idiocrasy,
- idiosyncrasy,
- ilk,
- impress,
- impression,
- in-group,
- inclination,
- incline,
- incurve,
- index,
- indite,
- individualism,
- ingenue,
- ingot,
- inner form,
- insculpture,
- intaglio,
- intend,
- intimation,
- irregularity,
- jerk,
- jettison,
- jibe,
- jibe all standing,
- jilt,
- junk,
- junta,
- key,
- keynote,
- kick downstairs,
- kick out,
- kidney,
- kin,
- kind,
- kitten,
- knead,
- knock out,
- knuckleball,
- label,
- labor,
- lamb,
- lance,
- last,
- lateral,
- lateral pass,
- launch,
- lay,
- lay out,
- lay plans,
- layout,
- lead,
- lead role,
- leading lady,
- leading man,
- leading woman,
- leaning,
- leave,
- let fly,
- let fly at,
- level,
- liability,
- lick,
- lick into shape,
- lie in,
- liking,
- line,
- lineaments,
- lines,
- lint,
- lister,
- litter,
- lob,
- look,
- look for,
- looks,
- lot,
- machine-made,
- machined,
- made,
- made to order,
- make,
- make a projection,
- make arrangements,
- make up,
- makeup,
- man-made,
- manner,
- mannerism,
- manufacture,
- manufactured,
- marble,
- mark,
- marking,
- maroon,
- matrix,
- mature,
- measure,
- mental set,
- methodize,
- mettle,
- mien,
- milled,
- mind,
- mind-set,
- mined,
- mint,
- miss stays,
- mob,
- mobile,
- modality,
- mode,
- model,
- mold,
- molded,
- molding,
- molt,
- mould,
- movement,
- multiply,
- name,
- natural,
- natural color,
- nature,
- nee,
- negative,
- newborn,
- nick,
- nine,
- nominate,
- number,
- obtrude,
- odor,
- on,
- organize,
- oust,
- out-group,
- outcurve,
- outfit,
- oxidate,
- oxidize,
- pack,
- pallor,
- parch,
- part,
- part with,
- particularity,
- party,
- pass,
- patch together,
- pattern,
- peculiarity,
- peek,
- peep,
- peer group,
- peg,
- pelt,
- penchant,
- person,
- personage,
- persuasion,
- phalanx,
- phylum,
- physiognomy,
- physique,
- pick,
- piece,
- piece together,
- pig,
- pitch,
- pitchfork,
- plan,
- plan ahead,
- plank,
- plaster,
- plaster cast,
- platoon,
- pledget,
- plop,
- plump,
- plunk,
- ply,
- point,
- port,
- posse,
- posture,
- poultice,
- prearrange,
- predilection,
- predisposition,
- prefab,
- prefabricate,
- prefabricated,
- preference,
- prejudice,
- prepare,
- presence,
- prevision,
- probability,
- processed,
- proclivity,
- produce,
- product,
- prognosis,
- prognostication,
- program,
- project,
- proneness,
- propensity,
- property,
- prophecy,
- protagonist,
- prototype,
- puke,
- punch,
- pup,
- put,
- put about,
- put back,
- put out,
- put the shot,
- put together,
- put up,
- pyrolyze,
- quality,
- quantity,
- quick sight,
- quirk,
- race,
- raise,
- raised,
- rapid glance,
- rationalize,
- readiness,
- ready-for-wear,
- ready-formed,
- ready-made,
- ready-prepared,
- ready-to-wear,
- rear,
- reckon,
- reckoning,
- refined,
- regiment,
- regulus,
- reject,
- relinquish,
- remove,
- repertory company,
- reserves,
- role,
- roll,
- roller,
- roller bandage,
- rough out,
- roughcast,
- roughhew,
- round a point,
- rowing crew,
- rubber bandage,
- run up,
- salon,
- savor,
- scatter,
- schedule,
- schematize,
- scintilla,
- scorch,
- score,
- scrap,
- screwball,
- sculp,
- sculpt,
- sculpture,
- seal,
- sear,
- search for,
- second string,
- second team,
- seek,
- select,
- send,
- sensitivity to,
- serve,
- service,
- set,
- set up,
- shade,
- shadow,
- shape,
- shaped,
- shed,
- sheer,
- sheet metal,
- shift,
- shipwreck,
- shoe last,
- shot,
- shot-put,
- shy,
- shy at,
- side,
- significant form,
- singe,
- singularity,
- sinker,
- sip,
- skin color,
- slant,
- slap,
- slew,
- slider,
- sling,
- sling at,
- slough,
- smack,
- smattering,
- smell,
- smelted,
- snap,
- soft spot,
- solder,
- somatotype,
- sort,
- soubrette,
- soupcon,
- sow,
- spark,
- specialty,
- species,
- spew,
- spirit,
- spitball,
- spitter,
- splint,
- sponge,
- sprinkling,
- squad,
- squinch,
- squint,
- squiz,
- stabile,
- stable,
- stamp,
- stance,
- statue,
- stillborn,
- stock company,
- strabismus,
- straight part,
- strain,
- streak,
- string,
- stripe,
- structure,
- stupe,
- style,
- subtract,
- suchness,
- suggestion,
- sum,
- summate,
- summation,
- sup,
- supporting cast,
- supporting character,
- supporting role,
- surrender,
- susceptibility,
- suspicion,
- swerve,
- swing round,
- swing the stern,
- swinge,
- system,
- systematize,
- tack,
- tailor,
- taint,
- take account of,
- tale,
- tally,
- tampon,
- tang,
- tape,
- taste,
- team,
- temper,
- temperament,
- template,
- tendency,
- tenor,
- tent,
- terra cotta,
- the bottom line,
- the like of,
- the likes of,
- the story,
- the whole story,
- thermoform,
- third string,
- thought,
- throw,
- throw about,
- throw at,
- throw away,
- throw off,
- throw out,
- throw over,
- throw overboard,
- throw up,
- thrust,
- thrust out,
- tilt,
- tinct,
- tincture,
- tinge,
- tint,
- title role,
- token,
- tone,
- torrefy,
- toss,
- toss at,
- toss out,
- toss overboard,
- tot,
- total,
- tote,
- touch,
- tourniquet,
- trace,
- train,
- trait,
- traits,
- travail,
- triangular bandage,
- tribe,
- trick,
- troop,
- tropism,
- troupe,
- turn,
- turn back,
- turn of mind,
- turn out,
- twist,
- type,
- undercolor,
- upchuck,
- upcurve,
- upward strabismus,
- variety,
- varsity,
- veer,
- vein,
- vesicate,
- villain,
- visage,
- vulcanize,
- walk-on,
- walking part,
- walleye,
- warp,
- way,
- weakness,
- wear,
- wear ship,
- weird,
- weld,
- well-built,
- well-constructed,
- well-made,
- whelp,
- whelped,
- whole,
- whomp up,
- willingness,
- wind,
- wing,
- wink,
- work,
- work out,
- work up,
- write,
- x number,
- yaw,
- yean,
- yield