- Ectocarpales,
- Phaeophyceae,
- Platonic form,
- Platonic idea,
- accommodate,
- accommodate with,
- accord,
- acres,
- adapt,
- adapt to,
- adenovirus,
- adjust,
- adjust to,
- aerobe,
- aerobic bacteria,
- aesthetic form,
- affect,
- agree with,
- algae,
- alluvion,
- alluvium,
- amoeba,
- anaerobe,
- anaerobic bacteria,
- anatomy,
- animus,
- aptitude,
- arable land,
- archetype,
- architectonics,
- architecture,
- aroma,
- arrangement,
- art form,
- assemble,
- assimilate to,
- attribute,
- autophyte,
- bacillus,
- bacteria,
- bacterium,
- badge,
- be guided by,
- bean,
- bend,
- bent,
- bias,
- biodegradability,
- biodegradation,
- blast,
- blight,
- block out,
- blood,
- body-build,
- bracken,
- brand,
- break up,
- breakup,
- breed,
- brown algae,
- bug,
- build,
- building,
- cachet,
- cancer,
- canker,
- carve,
- cast,
- casting,
- character,
- characteristic,
- characteristics,
- chime in with,
- chisel,
- clan,
- clay,
- climber,
- clod,
- coccus,
- color,
- complexion,
- comply,
- comply with,
- compose,
- composition,
- compound,
- concoct,
- conferva,
- confervoid,
- configuration,
- configure,
- conform,
- conformation,
- constituents,
- constitution,
- construct,
- construction,
- control,
- correct,
- correspond,
- corrosion,
- corrupt,
- corruption,
- crasis,
- create,
- creation,
- creeper,
- crumble,
- crumble into dust,
- crust,
- cut,
- decay,
- decompose,
- decomposition,
- degradability,
- degradation,
- denomination,
- description,
- design,
- designation,
- devise,
- dharma,
- diathesis,
- diatom,
- die,
- differentia,
- differential,
- dilapidation,
- direct,
- dirt,
- discipline,
- disease-producing microorganism,
- disintegrate,
- disintegration,
- disorganization,
- disposition,
- dissolution,
- distinctive feature,
- dry land,
- dry rot,
- dust,
- earmark,
- earth,
- eccentricity,
- echovirus,
- efform,
- elaborate,
- enterovirus,
- erect,
- ethos,
- evolve,
- extrude,
- fabric,
- fabricate,
- fabrication,
- fall in with,
- fall into decay,
- fall to pieces,
- fashion,
- fashioning,
- feather,
- feature,
- fern,
- fester,
- fiber,
- figuration,
- figure,
- filterable virus,
- fit,
- fix,
- flavor,
- follow,
- forge,
- forging,
- form,
- formalize,
- format,
- formation,
- formulate,
- found,
- frame,
- freehold,
- fruits and vegetables,
- fucus,
- fudge together,
- fungi,
- fungus,
- gangrene,
- gear to,
- genius,
- genre,
- genus,
- germ,
- get up,
- getup,
- glebe,
- go bad,
- go by,
- go to pieces,
- grain,
- gram-negative bacteria,
- gram-positive bacteria,
- grapevine,
- grassland,
- green algae,
- ground,
- guide,
- gulfweed,
- gust,
- habit,
- hallmark,
- harmonize,
- herb,
- heterophyte,
- hew,
- hue,
- humor,
- humors,
- humus,
- idiocrasy,
- idiosyncrasy,
- ilk,
- impress,
- impression,
- inclination,
- index,
- indite,
- individualism,
- influence,
- inner form,
- intaglio,
- ivy,
- kelp,
- keynote,
- kidney,
- kin,
- kind,
- knead,
- knock out,
- label,
- land,
- landholdings,
- last,
- lay out,
- layout,
- lead,
- leaning,
- legume,
- lentil,
- liana,
- lichen,
- lick into shape,
- line,
- lineaments,
- lithosphere,
- liverwort,
- loam,
- lot,
- make,
- make conform,
- make up,
- makeup,
- making,
- manner,
- mannerism,
- manufacture,
- marginal land,
- mark,
- marking,
- marl,
- matrix,
- mature,
- meet,
- mental set,
- mettle,
- microbe,
- microorganism,
- mildew,
- mind,
- mind-set,
- mint,
- modality,
- mode,
- model,
- mold,
- molder,
- molding,
- molds,
- mortify,
- moss,
- moth,
- moth and rust,
- mushroom,
- must,
- nature,
- necrose,
- negative,
- nonfilterable virus,
- number,
- observe,
- odor,
- organic structure,
- organism,
- organization,
- oxidation,
- oxidization,
- parasite,
- parasitic plant,
- particularity,
- patch together,
- pathogen,
- pattern,
- patterning,
- pea,
- peculiarity,
- persuasion,
- perthophyte,
- pest,
- phylum,
- physique,
- phytoplankton,
- picornavirus,
- piece together,
- plan,
- planktonic algae,
- plant families,
- predilection,
- predisposition,
- prefabricate,
- preference,
- prepare,
- proclivity,
- produce,
- production,
- propensity,
- property,
- prototype,
- protozoa,
- protozoon,
- puffball,
- pulse,
- punch,
- put together,
- put up,
- putrefy,
- putresce,
- quality,
- quirk,
- race,
- raise,
- rankle,
- real estate,
- real property,
- rear,
- reconcile,
- rectify,
- red algae,
- region,
- regolith,
- reovirus,
- resolution,
- rhinovirus,
- rickettsia,
- rockweed,
- rot,
- rough out,
- roughcast,
- roughhew,
- rub off corners,
- run up,
- rust,
- saprophyte,
- sargasso,
- sargassum,
- savor,
- sculpt,
- sculpture,
- sea lentil,
- sea moss,
- sea wrack,
- seal,
- seaweed,
- set,
- set up,
- settle,
- setup,
- shape,
- shaping,
- shoe last,
- significant form,
- singularity,
- slant,
- smack,
- smut,
- sod,
- soil,
- somatotype,
- sort,
- specialty,
- species,
- sphacelate,
- spirillum,
- spirit,
- spirochete,
- spoil,
- spoilage,
- spore,
- stamp,
- staphylococcus,
- straighten,
- strain,
- streak,
- streptococcus,
- stripe,
- structure,
- structuring,
- style,
- subaerial deposit,
- subsoil,
- succulent,
- suchness,
- suit,
- suppurate,
- system,
- tailor,
- taint,
- tally with,
- tang,
- taste,
- tectonics,
- temper,
- temperament,
- template,
- tendency,
- tenor,
- terra,
- terra firma,
- terrain,
- territory,
- texture,
- thallogens,
- the country,
- the like of,
- the likes of,
- thermoform,
- tissue,
- toadstool,
- token,
- tone,
- topsoil,
- trait,
- tribe,
- trick,
- trypanosome,
- turn,
- turn of mind,
- twist,
- type,
- variety,
- vein,
- vetch,
- vibrio,
- vine,
- virus,
- warp,
- warp and woof,
- way,
- weave,
- web,
- whomp up,
- woodland,
- work,
- worm,
- wort,
- wrack,
- write,
- yield