Exact Match:
- casual
- hasty and without attention to detail; not thorough; "a casual (or cursory) inspection failed to reveal the house's structural flaws"; "a passing glance"; "perfunctory courtesy"
- marked by blithe unconcern; "an ability to interest casual students"; "showed a casual disregard for cold weather"; "an utterly insouciant financial policy"; "an elegantly insouciant manner"; "drove his car with nonchalant abandon"; "was polite in a teasing nonchalant manner"
- not showing effort or strain; "a difficult feat performed with casual mastery"; "careless grace"
- suited for everyday use; "casual clothes"; "everyday clothes"
- without or seeming to be without plan or method; offhand; "a casual remark"; "information collected by casual methods and in their spare time"
- occuring from time to time; "casual employment"; "a casual correspondence with a former teacher"; "an occasional worker"
- Bohemian,
- Charley,
- Mickey Mouse,
- VC,
- Vietcong,
- accessory,
- accidental,
- accidentally,
- additional,
- adscititious,
- adventitious,
- affable,
- aimless,
- airy,
- aleatory,
- almsman,
- almswoman,
- aloof,
- amorphous,
- apathetic,
- appurtenant,
- ascititious,
- ataractic,
- automatic,
- auxiliary,
- bankrupt,
- beggar,
- blanket,
- blase,
- blue-collar worker,
- breadwinner,
- breezy,
- bushfighter,
- bushwhacker,
- by-the-way,
- capricious,
- careless,
- casual laborer,
- casually,
- causeless,
- chance,
- chancy,
- charity case,
- circumstantial,
- clear,
- collateral,
- common,
- common laborer,
- conditional,
- contingent,
- cool,
- cordial,
- cursory,
- cushy,
- day laborer,
- degage,
- designless,
- destinal,
- desultory,
- detached,
- devil-may-care,
- dicey,
- disarticulated,
- discontinuous,
- disinterested,
- disjunct,
- disordered,
- dispassionate,
- dispersed,
- disproportionate,
- disregardant,
- disregardful,
- down-and-out,
- down-and-outer,
- driftless,
- dysteleological,
- easy,
- easy as pie,
- easygoing,
- effortless,
- employee,
- en deshabille,
- erratic,
- extemporaneous,
- extempore,
- extra,
- facile,
- factory worker,
- familiar,
- fatal,
- fatidic,
- fitful,
- flippant,
- fluky,
- flunky,
- folksy,
- forgetful,
- formless,
- fortuitous,
- fortuitously,
- free and easy,
- free lance,
- free-lancer,
- frivolous,
- full-time worker,
- general,
- glib,
- gracious,
- gratuitous,
- guerrilla,
- gut,
- hand,
- haphazard,
- happy-go-lucky,
- hardcase,
- haymish,
- heedless,
- hit-or-miss,
- homely,
- homey,
- iffy,
- ill-advised,
- ill-considered,
- ill-devised,
- immethodical,
- impromptu,
- improvised,
- imprudent,
- impulsive,
- in dishabille,
- inadvertent,
- inattentive,
- inchoate,
- incidental,
- incoherent,
- inconsiderable,
- inconsiderate,
- incurious,
- indeliberate,
- indeterminate,
- indifferent,
- indigent,
- indiscreet,
- indiscriminate,
- indiscriminative,
- industrial worker,
- inessential,
- inexcitable,
- inexplicable,
- informal,
- insensitive,
- insignificant,
- insouciant,
- involuntary,
- irregular,
- jobber,
- jobholder,
- laborer,
- laboring man,
- lackadaisical,
- lazy,
- light,
- listless,
- loose,
- lounge,
- low-pressure,
- maquis,
- maquisard,
- meaningless,
- menial,
- migrant,
- mindless,
- minor,
- misshapen,
- moiler,
- natural,
- navvy,
- negligent,
- nonchalant,
- nonessential,
- nonjudgmental,
- nonsystematic,
- nonuniform,
- nothing to it,
- oblivious,
- occasional,
- odd,
- off,
- offhand,
- offhanded,
- office temporary,
- orderless,
- out-of-the-way,
- painless,
- parenthetical,
- part-time,
- partisan,
- pauper,
- penniless man,
- perfunctory,
- petty,
- plain,
- planless,
- pococurante,
- poor devil,
- poor man,
- poorling,
- proletarian,
- promiscuous,
- provisional,
- purposeless,
- random,
- reckless,
- reflex,
- reflexive,
- regardless,
- relaxed,
- remote,
- resistance,
- resistance fighter,
- respectless,
- risky,
- roustabout,
- salaried worker,
- secondary,
- self-employed person,
- senseless,
- serendipitous,
- servant,
- shapeless,
- shoestring,
- side,
- simple,
- simple as ABC,
- small-beer,
- smooth,
- snap,
- sociable,
- soft,
- spare,
- spasmodic,
- spontaneous,
- sporadic,
- sporty,
- starveling,
- stiff,
- stochastic,
- straggling,
- straggly,
- straightforward,
- stray,
- subsidiary,
- superadded,
- superfluous,
- supervenient,
- supplemental,
- supplementary,
- systemless,
- tactless,
- temporary,
- thoughtless,
- toiler,
- trained,
- trivial,
- turned-off,
- unaccountable,
- unadvised,
- unaffected,
- unanxious,
- unarranged,
- unassuming,
- unburdensome,
- uncalculated,
- uncaused,
- unceremonious,
- uncertain,
- unclassified,
- uncomplicated,
- unconcerned,
- unconscious,
- unconsidered,
- unconstrained,
- unconventional,
- uncritical,
- uncriticizing,
- undeliberate,
- undeliberated,
- undemanding,
- underground,
- underground fighter,
- undesigned,
- undetermined,
- undifferentiating,
- undiplomatic,
- undirected,
- undiscreet,
- undiscriminating,
- undiscriminative,
- unessential,
- unexacting,
- unexpected,
- unfastidious,
- unforeseeable,
- unforeseen,
- unfussy,
- ungraded,
- unheedful,
- unheeding,
- unimportant,
- unintended,
- unintentional,
- uninterested,
- unjoined,
- unlooked-for,
- unmeditated,
- unmethodical,
- unmeticulous,
- unmindful,
- unmotivated,
- unofficial,
- unordered,
- unorganized,
- unparticular,
- unplanned,
- unpredictable,
- unpremeditated,
- unprepared,
- unready,
- unselective,
- unsolicitous,
- unsorted,
- unstudied,
- unsubtle,
- unsure,
- unsymmetrical,
- unsystematic,
- untactful,
- unthinking,
- ununiform,
- unwilled,
- vague,
- wage earner,
- wage slave,
- wageworker,
- wandering,
- welfare client,
- wholesale,
- withdrawn,
- worker,
- workgirl,
- workhand,
- working girl,
- workingman,
- workingwoman,
- workman