Exact Match:
- chasten
- restrain or temper
- abate,
- allay,
- alleviate,
- assuage,
- attemper,
- bank the fire,
- blunt,
- bring to account,
- bring to book,
- call to account,
- castigate,
- chastise,
- constrain,
- control,
- correct,
- curb,
- damp,
- dampen,
- de-emphasize,
- deaden,
- deal with,
- diminish,
- discipline,
- downplay,
- dull,
- extenuate,
- inflict upon,
- keep within bounds,
- lay,
- lenify,
- lessen,
- lighten,
- masthead,
- mitigate,
- moderate,
- modulate,
- obtund,
- palliate,
- penalize,
- pillory,
- play down,
- punish,
- purify,
- reduce,
- reduce the temperature,
- repress,
- restrain,
- settle with,
- simplify,
- slacken,
- slow down,
- smother,
- sober,
- sober down,
- soften,
- square accounts,
- stifle,
- subdue,
- suppress,
- take to task,
- tame,
- temper,
- tone down,
- tune down,
- underplay,
- visit upon,
- weaken