Exact Match:
- cheer
- a cry or shout of approval
- show approval or good wishes by shouting; "everybody cheered the birthday boy"
- urge on or encourage especially by shouts; "The crowd cheered the demonstrating strikers"
- become cheerful
- cause (somebody) to feel happier or more cheerful; "She tried to cheer up the disappointed child when he failed to win the spelling bee"
- give encouragement to
- abide by,
- accede,
- accept,
- acclaim,
- acclamation,
- acquiesce,
- acquiesce in,
- afford hope,
- agree,
- agree to,
- agree with,
- alleluia,
- animate,
- applaud,
- applause,
- assent,
- assure,
- augur well,
- bark,
- battle cry,
- bawl,
- bear up,
- beatification,
- beatitude,
- bellow,
- bewitchment,
- bid fair,
- big hand,
- blessedness,
- bliss,
- blissfulness,
- blitheness,
- blithesomeness,
- board,
- bolster,
- boost,
- brace,
- brace up,
- bread,
- bread and butter,
- brighten,
- brightness,
- brisk,
- brisken,
- buck up,
- buoy up,
- buoyancy,
- burst of applause,
- buy,
- call,
- caterwaul,
- cheer on,
- cheer up,
- cheerfulness,
- cheeriness,
- cheery vein,
- chirk up,
- chorus of cheers,
- clap,
- clap the hands,
- clapping,
- clapping of hands,
- cloud nine,
- comestibles,
- comfort,
- comply,
- condole with,
- consent,
- consolation,
- console,
- conviviality,
- creature comfort,
- cry,
- cry for joy,
- cuisine,
- daily bread,
- delectation,
- delight,
- disposition,
- drive on,
- ease,
- eatables,
- eclat,
- ecstasy,
- ecstatics,
- edibles,
- egg on,
- elate,
- elation,
- embolden,
- enchantment,
- encore,
- encourage,
- encouragement,
- enliven,
- eupeptic mien,
- exaltation,
- exhilarate,
- exhilaration,
- exuberance,
- fare,
- fast food,
- feast,
- felicity,
- festivity,
- food,
- food and drink,
- foodstuff,
- fortify,
- frame of mind,
- fresh up,
- freshen,
- freshen up,
- gaiety,
- geniality,
- give a cheer,
- give a hand,
- give a lift,
- give comfort,
- give hope,
- give the nod,
- gladden,
- gladness,
- gladsomeness,
- glee,
- goad on,
- good cheer,
- hail,
- hallelujah,
- halloo,
- hand,
- handclap,
- handclapping,
- happiness,
- hasten on,
- have good prospects,
- health food,
- hear it for,
- hearten,
- heartiness,
- heaven,
- hie on,
- high spirits,
- hold out hope,
- hold out promise,
- hold with,
- holler,
- hollo,
- hooray,
- hoot,
- hopefulness,
- hosanna,
- hound on,
- howl,
- hurrah,
- hurray,
- hurry on,
- huzzah,
- in toto,
- ingesta,
- inspire,
- inspire hope,
- inspirit,
- intoxication,
- invigorate,
- jollity,
- joviality,
- joy,
- joyance,
- joyfulness,
- junk food,
- justify hope,
- kitchen stuff,
- lift up,
- liven,
- make fair promise,
- meat,
- merriment,
- merrymaking,
- mirth,
- nerve,
- nod,
- nod assent,
- optimism,
- ovation,
- overhappiness,
- overjoyfulness,
- paean,
- paradise,
- perk up,
- pick up,
- plaudit,
- pleasantness,
- popularity,
- promise,
- provender,
- provision,
- put at ease,
- quicken,
- radiance,
- rah,
- raise expectations,
- raise hope,
- rallying cry,
- rapture,
- ravishment,
- reanimate,
- reassure,
- receive,
- recreate,
- refresh,
- refreshen,
- regale,
- reinvigorate,
- rejoice,
- rejoice the heart,
- relieve,
- renew,
- revelry,
- revive,
- revivify,
- roar,
- root,
- root for,
- root on,
- rosy expectation,
- round of applause,
- sanguine humor,
- sanguineness,
- scream,
- screech,
- set at ease,
- set up,
- seventh heaven,
- shout,
- shout hosanna,
- shriek,
- solace,
- speed on,
- spirit,
- spread,
- spur on,
- squall,
- squawk,
- squeal,
- steel,
- stimulate,
- strengthen,
- subscribe to,
- sunniness,
- sunshine,
- support,
- sustenance,
- sympathize with,
- table,
- take kindly to,
- thunder of applause,
- transport,
- tucker,
- unalloyed happiness,
- uplift,
- urge on,
- viands,
- victuals,
- vitalize,
- vittles,
- vivify,
- vote for,
- war cry,
- war whoop,
- warm,
- welcome,
- whip on,
- whoop,
- winsomeness,
- yammer,
- yap,
- yawl,
- yawp,
- yell,
- yelp,
- yes,
- yield assent,
- yippee,
- yo-ho,
- yowl