Exact Match:
- choke
- a valve that controls the flow of air into the carburetor of a gasoline engine
- a coil of low resistance and high inductance used in electrical circuits to pass direct current and attenuate alternating current
- breathe with great difficulty, as when experiencing a strong emotion; "She choked with emotion when she spoke about her deceased husband"
- constrict (someone's) throat and keep from breathing
- reduce the air supply; "choke a carburetor"
- be too tight; rub or press; "This neckband is choking the cat"
- wring the neck of; "The man choked his opponent"
- check or slow down the action or effect of; "She choked her anger"
- fail to perform adequately due to tension or agitation; "The team should have won hands down but choked, disappointing the coach and the audience"
- OD,
- asphyxia,
- asphyxiate,
- asphyxiation,
- bake,
- bang,
- bar,
- barricade,
- batten,
- batten down,
- be in heat,
- be killed,
- bind,
- blaze,
- block,
- block up,
- blockade,
- bloom,
- blow out,
- boil,
- bolt,
- broil,
- bung,
- burke,
- burking,
- burn,
- button,
- button up,
- caulk,
- charge,
- chink,
- chock,
- choke off,
- choke up,
- choking,
- clap,
- clog,
- clog up,
- close,
- close off,
- close tight,
- close up,
- combust,
- congest,
- constipate,
- constrict,
- contain,
- contract,
- cook,
- cork,
- cover,
- cram,
- crowd,
- cut off,
- dam,
- dam up,
- damp,
- debar,
- deny,
- discourage,
- dissuade,
- dog,
- douse,
- drench,
- drown,
- drowning,
- dumbfound,
- extinguish,
- famish,
- fasten,
- fill,
- fill up,
- flame,
- flame up,
- flare,
- flare up,
- flicker,
- flush,
- fold,
- fold up,
- foul,
- frustrate,
- fry,
- gag,
- garotte,
- garrote,
- garrotte,
- gasp,
- glow,
- glut,
- gluttonize,
- gorge,
- heap,
- hush,
- hush-hush,
- incandesce,
- jam,
- jam-pack,
- key,
- killing,
- latch,
- liver death,
- load,
- lock,
- lock out,
- lock up,
- megadeath,
- muffle,
- muzzle,
- obstipate,
- obstruct,
- obviate,
- occlude,
- out,
- overburden,
- overcharge,
- overfeed,
- overfill,
- overlade,
- overload,
- overstuff,
- overweight,
- pack,
- padlock,
- pant,
- parch,
- pile,
- plug,
- plug up,
- plumb,
- prohibit,
- put down,
- put out,
- put to silence,
- quash,
- quell,
- quench,
- quiet,
- quieten,
- radiate heat,
- repress,
- restrain,
- roast,
- satiate,
- saturate,
- scald,
- scorch,
- seal,
- seal off,
- seal up,
- secure,
- seethe,
- serum death,
- shimmer with heat,
- shush,
- shut,
- shut down on,
- shut off,
- shut out,
- shut the door,
- shut tight,
- shut up,
- silence,
- simmer,
- slack,
- slam,
- smolder,
- smother,
- smotheration,
- smothering,
- snap,
- snuff,
- snuff out,
- soak,
- soft-pedal,
- spark,
- spile,
- squash,
- squeeze,
- squeeze shut,
- squelch,
- stamp out,
- stanch,
- starvation,
- starve,
- stay,
- steam,
- stench,
- stew,
- stifle,
- stifling,
- still,
- stop,
- stop the breath,
- stop up,
- stopper,
- stopple,
- strangle,
- strangling,
- strangulate,
- strangulation,
- strike dumb,
- stuff,
- stuff up,
- suffocate,
- suffocation,
- supercharge,
- supersaturate,
- suppress,
- surcharge,
- surfeit,
- sweat,
- swelter,
- throttle,
- throttling,
- toast,
- trample out,
- trample underfoot,
- violent death,
- watery grave,
- zip up,
- zipper