so extremely ugly as to be terrifying; "a hideous scar"; "a repulsive mask"
grossly offensive to decency or morality; causing horror; "subjected to outrageous cruelty"; "a hideous pattern of injustice"; "horrific conditions in the mining industry"
a painful inflammation of the big toe and foot caused by defects in uric acid metabolism resulting in deposits of the acid and its salts in the blood and joints
lacking knowledge gained by study often in a particular field; "is unstudied in Latin as he is in may other matters"
not by design or artifice; unforced and impromptu; "an air of unstudied spontaneous utterance is apt to be painstakingly achieved"; "simple unstudied charm"
sanctioned by or consistent with or operating under a constitution; "the constitutional right of free speech"; "constitutional government"; "constitutional guarantees"
of benefit to or intended to benefit your physical makeup; "constitutional walk"
of or relating to a constitution; "constitutional amendments"
lacking in harmony or compatibility or appropriateness; "a plan incongruous with reason"; "incongruous behavior"; "a joke that was incongruous with polite conversation"
habitual intoxication; prolonged and excessive intake of alcoholic drinks leading to a breakdown in health and an addiction to alcohol such that abrupt deprivation leads to severe withdrawal symptoms