Exact Match:
- clumsily
- in a clumsy manner; "he snatched the bills clumsily"
- airily,
- any old way,
- any which way,
- anyhow,
- ass-backwards,
- awkwardly,
- blunderingly,
- bunglingly,
- carelessly,
- casually,
- cumbersomely,
- cursorily,
- disregardfully,
- forgetfully,
- gracelessly,
- haphazardly,
- heedlessly,
- helter-skelter,
- hit and miss,
- hit or miss,
- hulkily,
- inattentively,
- inconsiderately,
- inconveniently,
- inelegantly,
- maladroitly,
- messily,
- offhand,
- offhandedly,
- once over lightly,
- perfunctorily,
- ponderously,
- promiscuously,
- recklessly,
- regardlessly,
- slapdash,
- sloppily,
- tactlessly,
- thoughtlessly,
- uncouthly,
- ungracefully,
- unguardedly,
- unhandily,
- unheedfully,
- unheedingly,
- unmanageably,
- unmindfully,
- unsolicitously,
- unthinkingly,
- unvigilantly,
- unwarily,
- unwieldily