Exact Match:
- colleague
- a person who is member of your class or profession; "the surgeon consulted his colleagues"; "he sent e-mail to his fellow hackers"
- an associate you work with
- ace,
- adjunct,
- aide,
- ally,
- amigo,
- assistant,
- associate,
- bedfellow,
- bedmate,
- bosom buddy,
- brother,
- brother-in-arms,
- buddy,
- bunkie,
- bunkmate,
- butty,
- camarade,
- chamberfellow,
- chum,
- classmate,
- co-worker,
- coadjutor,
- cohort,
- comate,
- companion,
- company,
- compatriot,
- compeer,
- comrade,
- confederate,
- confrere,
- consociate,
- consort,
- copartner,
- crony,
- fellow,
- fellow member,
- fellow student,
- girl friend,
- gossip,
- helper,
- mate,
- messmate,
- old crony,
- pal,
- pard,
- pardner,
- partner,
- playfellow,
- playmate,
- roommate,
- schoolfellow,
- schoolmate,
- shipmate,
- side partner,
- sidekick,
- teammate,
- workfellow,
- yokefellow,
- yokemate