Exact Match:
- comedown
- decline to a lower status or level
- abasement,
- anticlimax,
- backset,
- bafflement,
- balk,
- bathos,
- belittling,
- betrayed hope,
- blasted expectation,
- blighted hope,
- blow,
- breakdown,
- buffet,
- cascade,
- cataract,
- check,
- chute,
- collapse,
- contempt,
- crash,
- cropper,
- cruel disappointment,
- dash,
- dashed hope,
- debacle,
- debasement,
- decadence,
- decadency,
- declension,
- declination,
- decline,
- decrial,
- defeat,
- deflation,
- defluxion,
- deformation,
- degeneracy,
- degenerateness,
- degeneration,
- degradation,
- demotion,
- depravation,
- depravedness,
- depreciation,
- derogation,
- descending,
- descension,
- descent,
- deterioration,
- detraction,
- devolution,
- disappointment,
- disapproval,
- discomfiture,
- discrediting,
- disgrace,
- disillusionment,
- disparagement,
- dissatisfaction,
- down,
- downbend,
- downcome,
- downcurve,
- downfall,
- downflow,
- downgrade,
- downpour,
- downrush,
- downtrend,
- downturn,
- downward mobility,
- downward trend,
- drop,
- dropping,
- dump,
- dying,
- ebb,
- effeteness,
- embarrassment,
- fading,
- failing,
- failure,
- failure of nerve,
- faint praise,
- fall,
- fallen countenance,
- falling,
- falling-off,
- fiasco,
- fizzle,
- foiling,
- forlorn hope,
- frustration,
- gravitation,
- hangdog look,
- hope deferred,
- humbled pride,
- humiliation,
- inclination,
- indignity,
- involution,
- knocking,
- lapse,
- letdown,
- loss of tone,
- lukewarm support,
- minimizing,
- mirage,
- mortification,
- nose dive,
- plummeting,
- pounce,
- pratfall,
- put-down,
- putting down,
- rapids,
- regression,
- retrocession,
- retrogradation,
- retrogression,
- reversal,
- reverse,
- reverse of fortune,
- ruin,
- self-abasement,
- self-abnegation,
- self-diminishment,
- setback,
- setdown,
- severe check,
- shame,
- shamefacedness,
- shamefastness,
- slighting,
- slippage,
- slump,
- smash,
- sore disappointment,
- sour grapes,
- stoop,
- stumble,
- swoop,
- tailspin,
- tantalization,
- tease,
- throwback,
- tumble,
- undoing,
- wane,
- waterfall,
- wreck