Exact Match:
- committed
- bound or obligated, as under a pledge to a particular cause, action, or attitude; "committed church members"; "a committed Marxist"
- abandoned,
- affianced,
- afire,
- altruistic,
- ardent,
- assured,
- beholden,
- beholden to,
- betrothed,
- bound,
- bound and determined,
- bounden,
- bounden to,
- burning,
- compromised,
- consecrated,
- constant,
- contracted,
- decided,
- decisive,
- dedicated,
- definite,
- determined,
- devoted,
- devout,
- disinterested,
- duty-bound,
- earnest,
- engaged,
- faithful,
- fast,
- fervent,
- fervid,
- fiery,
- flaming,
- guaranteed,
- hearty,
- heated,
- hot,
- hot-blooded,
- humble,
- impassioned,
- in duty bound,
- in earnest,
- indebted to,
- intended,
- intense,
- intent,
- intent on,
- loyal,
- modest,
- obligate,
- obligated,
- obliged,
- obliged to,
- obstinate,
- on fire,
- passionate,
- perfervid,
- persevering,
- persistent,
- pledged,
- plighted,
- promised,
- purposeful,
- red-hot,
- relentless,
- resolute,
- resolved,
- sacrificing,
- saddled,
- self-abasing,
- self-abnegating,
- self-abnegatory,
- self-denying,
- self-devoted,
- self-effacing,
- self-forgetful,
- self-immolating,
- self-neglectful,
- self-neglecting,
- self-renouncing,
- self-sacrificing,
- self-unconscious,
- selfless,
- serious,
- sincere,
- single-minded,
- spirited,
- staunch,
- steadfast,
- sworn,
- tenacious,
- tested,
- tied,
- tried,
- tried and true,
- true,
- unacquisitive,
- under obligation,
- underwritten,
- unpossessive,
- unpretentious,
- unselfish,
- unsparing of self,
- vehement,
- warm,
- warranted,
- white-hot,
- wholehearted,
- zealous