Exact Match:
- community
- (ecology) a group of interdependent organisms inhabiting the same region and interacting with each other
- a group of people living in a particular local area; "the team is drawn from all parts of the community"
- a group of people having ethnic or cultural or religious characteristics in common; "the Christian community of the apostolic age"; "he was well known throughout the Catholic community"
- a group of nations having common interests; "they hoped to join the NATO community"
- common ownership; "they shared a community of possessions"
- agreement as to goals; "the preachers and the bootleggers found they had a community of interests"
- Everyman,
- John Doe,
- Public,
- accord,
- accordance,
- affiliation,
- affinity,
- agape,
- agreement,
- alikeness,
- alliance,
- amity,
- analogy,
- aping,
- approach,
- approximation,
- ashram,
- assimilation,
- association,
- balance,
- bipartisanship,
- body,
- body politic,
- bonds of harmony,
- branch,
- brotherly love,
- caritas,
- caste,
- cement of friendship,
- charity,
- church,
- citizenry,
- clan,
- class,
- closeness,
- coaction,
- coadjuvancy,
- coadministration,
- coagency,
- cochairmanship,
- codirectorship,
- coequality,
- collaboration,
- collaborativeness,
- collective farm,
- collectivism,
- collectivity,
- collegiality,
- collusion,
- colony,
- commensalism,
- commerce,
- common effort,
- common enterprise,
- common man,
- common ownership,
- commonwealth,
- communal effort,
- communalism,
- commune,
- communication,
- communion,
- communism,
- communitarianism,
- community at large,
- community of interests,
- companionship,
- company,
- comparability,
- comparison,
- compatibility,
- complicity,
- concert,
- concord,
- concordance,
- concurrence,
- conformity,
- congeniality,
- congress,
- consociation,
- consortship,
- constituency,
- conversation,
- converse,
- cooperation,
- cooperative society,
- cooperativeness,
- copying,
- corelation,
- correlation,
- correlativism,
- correlativity,
- correspondence,
- cultural community,
- culture,
- democracy,
- denomination,
- division,
- duet,
- duumvirate,
- dwellers,
- economic class,
- ecumenicalism,
- ecumenicism,
- ecumenism,
- empathy,
- endogamous group,
- equilibrium,
- equipollence,
- equivalence,
- esprit,
- esprit de corps,
- estate,
- ethnic group,
- everybody,
- everyman,
- everyone,
- everywoman,
- extended family,
- faction,
- family,
- feeling of identity,
- fellow feeling,
- fellowship,
- folk,
- folks,
- frictionlessness,
- general public,
- gens,
- gentry,
- good vibes,
- good vibrations,
- group,
- habitancy,
- happy family,
- harmony,
- identity,
- imitation,
- inhabitants,
- intercommunication,
- intercommunion,
- intercourse,
- inverse proportion,
- inverse ratio,
- inverse relationship,
- joining of forces,
- joint effort,
- joint operation,
- kibbutz,
- kinship,
- kinship group,
- kolkhoz,
- like-mindedness,
- likeness,
- likening,
- linguistic community,
- love,
- mass action,
- men,
- metaphor,
- mimicking,
- moiety,
- morale,
- mutual assistance,
- mutualism,
- mutuality,
- nation,
- nationality,
- nearness,
- nuclear family,
- octet,
- offshoot,
- oneness,
- order,
- organization,
- parallelism,
- parity,
- partnership,
- party,
- peace,
- people,
- people at large,
- people in general,
- persons,
- persuasion,
- phratria,
- phratry,
- phyle,
- polity,
- pooling,
- pooling of resources,
- populace,
- population,
- profit sharing,
- proportionality,
- public,
- public ownership,
- pulling together,
- quartet,
- quintet,
- race,
- rapport,
- rapprochement,
- reciprocality,
- reciprocation,
- reciprocity,
- relativity,
- religious order,
- resemblance,
- sameness,
- schism,
- school,
- sect,
- sectarism,
- segment,
- semblance,
- septet,
- settlement,
- sextet,
- sharecropping,
- sharing,
- similarity,
- simile,
- similitude,
- simulation,
- social activity,
- social class,
- social intercourse,
- social relations,
- socialism,
- society,
- solidarity,
- speech community,
- state,
- state ownership,
- stock,
- strain,
- subcaste,
- symbiosis,
- symmetry,
- sympathy,
- symphony,
- synergism,
- synergy,
- team spirit,
- teamwork,
- totem,
- town meeting,
- trio,
- triumvirate,
- troika,
- understanding,
- union,
- unison,
- united action,
- unity,
- variety,
- version,
- whole people,
- world,
- you and me