Exact Match:
- compact
- a small cosmetics case with a mirror; to be carried in a woman's purse
- a small and economical car
- closely and firmly united or packed together; "compact soil"; "compact clusters of flowers"
- having component parts closely crowded together; "a compact shopping center"; "a dense population"; "thick crowds"; "a thick forest"; "thick hair"
- heavy and compact in form or stature; "a wrestler of compact build"; "he was tall and heavyset"; "stocky legs"; "a thick middle-aged man"; "a thickset young man"
- have the property of being packable or of compacting easily; "This powder compacts easily"; "Such odd-shaped items do not pack well"
- Spartan,
- abbreviate,
- abbreviated,
- abridged,
- agree,
- agree to,
- agreement,
- airtight,
- ammunition box,
- aphoristic,
- aposiopestic,
- ark,
- attache case,
- baby,
- baby-sized,
- bandolier,
- bantam,
- banty,
- bargain,
- bargain for,
- base,
- billfold,
- bin,
- bond,
- boot,
- box,
- brief,
- briefcase,
- bristling,
- brusque,
- bunched,
- bunker,
- caisson,
- canister,
- capsula,
- capsule,
- cardcase,
- carton,
- casket,
- cedar chest,
- chest,
- cigarette case,
- circumscribe,
- cist,
- clamped,
- clipped,
- close,
- close-knit,
- close-textured,
- close-woven,
- clown white,
- coarct,
- coffer,
- coffin,
- coincident,
- cold cream,
- combine,
- compact,
- compacted,
- compendious,
- comprehensive,
- compress,
- compressed,
- concentrate,
- concentrated,
- concise,
- concrete,
- concurrent,
- condense,
- condensed,
- cone,
- congest,
- congested,
- conjoint,
- conjugate,
- conjunct,
- consolidate,
- consolidated,
- consortium,
- constrict,
- constricted,
- constringe,
- contract,
- contracted,
- convention,
- cordial understanding,
- corporate,
- cosmetics,
- covenant,
- cram,
- crammed,
- crammed full,
- cramp,
- cramped,
- crate,
- crawling,
- crib,
- crisp,
- crowd,
- crowded,
- curt,
- curtail,
- curtal,
- curtate,
- cut,
- decrease,
- decurtate,
- dense,
- densen,
- densify,
- diminutive,
- dispatch box,
- do a deal,
- docked,
- draw,
- draw in,
- draw together,
- drugstore complexion,
- duodecimo,
- dustproof,
- dusttight,
- elliptic,
- engage,
- entente,
- entente cordiale,
- envelope,
- epigrammatic,
- etui,
- eye shadow,
- eyebrow pencil,
- fast,
- file,
- file folder,
- filing box,
- firm,
- folio,
- foundation,
- foundation cream,
- full,
- gasproof,
- gastight,
- gluey,
- gnomic,
- greasepaint,
- hand cream,
- hand lotion,
- handy,
- hard,
- heavy,
- hermetic,
- hermetically sealed,
- holster,
- hope chest,
- housewife,
- hussy,
- hutch,
- impenetrable,
- impermeable,
- inclusive,
- instantaneous,
- integrate,
- jam,
- jam-packed,
- jammed,
- joined,
- joint,
- kit,
- knit,
- knitted,
- laconic,
- letter file,
- lightproof,
- lighttight,
- lip rouge,
- lipstick,
- little,
- low,
- make a deal,
- makeup,
- mascara,
- massive,
- meaty,
- miniature,
- miniaturized,
- minikin,
- minimal,
- minuscule,
- monstrance,
- mudpack,
- mutual understanding,
- nail polish,
- narrow,
- nipped,
- nonporous,
- oilproof,
- oiltight,
- ostensorium,
- packed,
- packet,
- packing case,
- pact,
- paint,
- pillbox,
- pinched,
- pinched-in,
- pithy,
- pocket,
- pocket-sized,
- pod,
- pointed,
- pony,
- populous,
- portfolio,
- powder,
- powder box,
- powder puff,
- press,
- promise,
- pruned,
- pucker,
- pucker up,
- puckered,
- puff,
- purse,
- pursed,
- quiver,
- rack,
- rainproof,
- raintight,
- ram down,
- reduce,
- reliquary,
- reserved,
- rouge,
- sarcophagus,
- scabbard,
- sealed,
- sententious,
- serried,
- set,
- sheath,
- short,
- short and sweet,
- shorten,
- shortened,
- shut fast,
- skippet,
- small,
- small-scale,
- smokeproof,
- smoketight,
- snuffbox,
- snug,
- socket,
- solid,
- solidified,
- solidify,
- spectacle case,
- squeeze,
- squeezed,
- staunch,
- stipulate,
- stormproof,
- stormtight,
- strangle,
- strangled,
- strangulate,
- strangulated,
- subminiature,
- substantial,
- succinct,
- summary,
- swarming,
- synopsized,
- synoptic,
- taciturn,
- talcum,
- talcum powder,
- tea chest,
- teeming,
- terse,
- thick,
- thick-growing,
- thickset,
- tight,
- till,
- tinderbox,
- to the point,
- toy,
- transaction,
- transient,
- truncated,
- twelvemo,
- understanding,
- undertake,
- unite,
- vanishing cream,
- vanity case,
- vasculum,
- vest-pocket,
- viscid,
- viscose,
- viscous,
- wallet,
- war paint,
- wasp-waisted,
- water-repellant,
- waterproof,
- watertight,
- windproof,
- windtight,
- wrinkle,
- wrinkled