Exact Match:
- competent
- adequate for the purpose; "a competent performance"
- properly or sufficiently qualified or capable or efficient; "a competent typist"
- OK,
- able,
- absolute,
- acceptable,
- actionable,
- adapted,
- adept,
- adequate,
- adjusted,
- all right,
- ample,
- applicable,
- ascendant,
- au fait,
- authoritarian,
- authoritative,
- authorized,
- autocratic,
- barely sufficient,
- capable,
- checked out,
- clothed with authority,
- comfortable,
- commanding,
- commensurate,
- consequential,
- considerable,
- constitutional,
- controlling,
- corresponding,
- decent,
- dominant,
- due,
- duly constituted,
- effective,
- effectual,
- efficacious,
- efficient,
- eminent,
- empowered,
- enough,
- equal to,
- ex officio,
- finished,
- fit,
- fitted,
- fitted for,
- good,
- good enough,
- governing,
- great,
- hegemonic,
- hegemonistic,
- imperative,
- important,
- influential,
- journeyman,
- judicial,
- juridical,
- just,
- justiciable,
- kosher,
- lawful,
- lawmaking,
- leading,
- legal,
- legislative,
- legit,
- legitimate,
- licit,
- masterly,
- mighty,
- minimal,
- minimum,
- momentous,
- monocratic,
- official,
- okay,
- plenty,
- plenty good enough,
- polished,
- potent,
- powerful,
- preeminent,
- prepared,
- prestigious,
- productive,
- proficient,
- prominent,
- proper,
- proportionate,
- puissant,
- qualified,
- ranking,
- rightful,
- ruling,
- sanctioned,
- satisfactory,
- senior,
- statutory,
- substantial,
- sufficient,
- sufficient for,
- sufficing,
- suitable,
- suited,
- superior,
- supreme,
- totalitarian,
- up to,
- up to snuff,
- valid,
- weighty,
- well-fitted,
- well-qualified,
- well-suited,
- wicked,
- within the law,
- worthy