Exact Match:
- confrontation
- a focussed comparison; bringing together for a careful comparison
- the act of hostile groups opposing each other; "the government was not ready for a confrontation with the unions"; "the invaders encountered stiff opposition"
- a hostile disagreement face-to-face
- discord resulting from a clash of ideas or opinions
- a bold challenge
- allegory,
- analogy,
- antagonism,
- anteposition,
- antipathy,
- antithesis,
- audience,
- balancing,
- bargaining,
- bargaining session,
- clashing,
- collision,
- collision course,
- comparative anatomy,
- comparative degree,
- comparative grammar,
- comparative judgment,
- comparative linguistics,
- comparative literature,
- comparative method,
- compare,
- comparing,
- comparison,
- conclave,
- confab,
- confabulation,
- conference,
- conflict,
- confrontment,
- congress,
- consultation,
- contention,
- contradiction,
- contradistinction,
- contraindication,
- contraposition,
- contrariety,
- contrast,
- contrastiveness,
- convention,
- correlation,
- council,
- council fire,
- council of war,
- counterposition,
- cross-purposes,
- disagreement,
- discrepancy,
- discussion,
- distinction,
- distinctiveness,
- encounter,
- exchange of views,
- eyeball-to-eyeball encounter,
- high-level talk,
- hostility,
- huddle,
- inconsistency,
- inimicalness,
- interchange of views,
- interview,
- joining,
- likening,
- matching,
- meeting,
- metaphor,
- narrow squeak,
- near thing,
- near-miss,
- negotiations,
- news conference,
- opposing,
- oppositeness,
- opposition,
- opposure,
- oppugnance,
- oppugnancy,
- palaver,
- parallelism,
- parley,
- perversity,
- polar opposition,
- polarity,
- polarization,
- posing against,
- pourparler,
- powwow,
- press conference,
- proportion,
- relation,
- rencontre,
- repugnance,
- seance,
- session,
- showdown,
- simile,
- similitude,
- sitting,
- summit,
- summit conference,
- summitry,
- trope of comparison,
- weighing