Exact Match:
- conglomerate
- a group of diverse companies under common ownership and run as a single organization
- composed of heterogeneous elements gathered into a mass; "the conglomerate peoples of New England"
- Aktiengesellschaft,
- aa,
- abyssal rock,
- accumulate,
- accumulated,
- accumulation,
- acervation,
- adhere,
- admix,
- agglomerate,
- agglomeration,
- aggregate,
- aggregation,
- aggroup,
- aktiebolag,
- alloy,
- amalgamate,
- amalgamated,
- amass,
- amassed,
- amassment,
- ambiguous,
- ambivalent,
- amphibious,
- assemble,
- assembled,
- assorted,
- assortment,
- basalt,
- batch,
- bedrock,
- bemingle,
- blend,
- blended,
- block,
- block lava,
- body,
- body corporate,
- brash,
- breccia,
- bring together,
- bulk,
- bunch,
- bunch together,
- bunch up,
- bunched,
- bundled,
- business,
- business establishment,
- cake,
- cartel,
- chain,
- chamber of commerce,
- chunk,
- clasp,
- cleave,
- clinch,
- cling,
- cling to,
- clot,
- clump,
- clumped,
- cluster,
- clustered,
- coagulate,
- coalesce,
- cohere,
- collect,
- collectanea,
- collected,
- colligate,
- collocate,
- combine,
- combined,
- commercial enterprise,
- commingle,
- commix,
- compagnie,
- company,
- compare,
- compile,
- complex,
- compose,
- composite,
- compound,
- compounded,
- concern,
- concoct,
- concrete,
- concretion,
- congeal,
- congeries,
- conglobation,
- conglomerate corporation,
- conglomeration,
- congregate,
- congregated,
- consolidating company,
- consortium,
- copartnership,
- corporate body,
- corporation,
- corral,
- crag,
- cumulate,
- cumulation,
- dappled,
- dig up,
- diversified corporation,
- draw together,
- dredge up,
- drive together,
- druid stone,
- eclectic,
- embrace,
- emulsify,
- enterprise,
- equivocal,
- fascicled,
- fasciculated,
- festooned pahoehoe,
- fifty-fifty,
- firm,
- freeze to,
- fuse,
- gather,
- gather in,
- gather together,
- gathered,
- gathering,
- get in,
- get together,
- glomerate,
- glomeration,
- gneiss,
- gob,
- granite,
- grasp,
- group,
- grow together,
- half-and-half,
- hang on,
- hang together,
- hash,
- heaped,
- heterogeneous,
- hodgepodge,
- hold,
- hold on,
- hold together,
- holding company,
- homogenize,
- house,
- hug,
- hunk,
- igneous rock,
- immingle,
- immix,
- in session,
- indiscriminate,
- industry,
- integrate,
- interblend,
- interlace,
- interlard,
- intermingle,
- intermix,
- intertwine,
- interweave,
- intricate,
- ironic,
- join,
- joined,
- joint,
- joint-stock association,
- joint-stock company,
- jumble,
- jumbled,
- juxtapose,
- knead,
- knot,
- knotted,
- lava,
- leagued,
- limestone,
- living rock,
- lump,
- lump together,
- lumped,
- magma,
- make up,
- mantlerock,
- many-sided,
- mass,
- massed,
- match,
- medley,
- meeting,
- merge,
- metamorphic rock,
- mingle,
- mingle-mangle,
- mingled,
- miscellanea,
- miscellaneous,
- miscellany,
- mix,
- mix up,
- mixed,
- mixture,
- mobilize,
- monolith,
- motley,
- multifaceted,
- multifarious,
- multinational,
- multiracial,
- muster,
- node,
- oddments,
- odds and ends,
- omnium-gatherum,
- operating company,
- packaged,
- pahoehoe,
- pair,
- partner,
- partnership,
- patchy,
- persist,
- piled,
- pillow lava,
- plunderbund,
- pluralistic,
- pool,
- porphyry,
- promiscuous,
- public utility,
- pudding stone,
- put together,
- raise,
- rake up,
- rally,
- regolith,
- rock,
- ropy lava,
- round up,
- rubble,
- rubblestone,
- sandstone,
- sarsen,
- schist,
- scoria,
- scramble,
- scrambled,
- scrape together,
- scree,
- sedimentary rock,
- set,
- shelly pahoehoe,
- shuffle,
- snowball,
- solid,
- solid body,
- solidify,
- stacked,
- stay,
- stay put,
- stick,
- stick together,
- stir up,
- stock company,
- stockpile,
- stone,
- sundries,
- syncretic,
- syncretize,
- syndicate,
- take hold of,
- take up,
- talus,
- throw together,
- thrown together,
- toss together,
- trade association,
- trust,
- tufa,
- tuff,
- utility,
- varied,
- variety,
- wad,
- whip in,
- work,
- wrapped up