Exact Match:
- consulate
- diplomatic building that serves as the residence or workplace of a consul
- Dymaxion house,
- White House,
- adobe house,
- aedileship,
- archbishopric,
- archiepiscopacy,
- archiepiscopate,
- aristocracy,
- bishopric,
- booking office,
- box office,
- branch,
- branch office,
- building,
- cabinet,
- casa,
- chairmanship,
- chambers,
- chancellery,
- chancellorate,
- chancellorship,
- chancery,
- chiefery,
- chiefry,
- chieftaincy,
- chieftainry,
- chieftainship,
- cliff dwelling,
- closet,
- consulship,
- corporate headquarters,
- country house,
- country seat,
- dacha,
- deanery,
- den,
- dictatorship,
- dictature,
- directorship,
- dwelling house,
- edifice,
- embassy,
- emirate,
- episcopacy,
- erection,
- executive office,
- fabric,
- farm,
- farmhouse,
- governorship,
- hall,
- headquarters,
- headship,
- hegemony,
- hierarchy,
- home office,
- house,
- houseboat,
- lake dwelling,
- leadership,
- legation,
- living machine,
- lodge,
- lordship,
- magistracy,
- magistrateship,
- magistrature,
- main office,
- manor house,
- manse,
- masterdom,
- mastership,
- mastery,
- mayoralty,
- mayorship,
- metropolitanate,
- metropolitanship,
- nobility,
- office,
- papacy,
- parsonage,
- pashadom,
- pashalic,
- patriarchate,
- patriarchy,
- penthouse,
- pontificality,
- pontificate,
- popedom,
- popehood,
- popeship,
- prefabricated house,
- prefectship,
- prefecture,
- premiership,
- presidency,
- presidential palace,
- presidentship,
- prime-ministership,
- prime-ministry,
- princedom,
- princeship,
- principality,
- proconsulate,
- proconsulship,
- protectorate,
- protectorship,
- provostry,
- provostship,
- ranch house,
- rectorate,
- rectorship,
- rectory,
- regency,
- regentship,
- roof,
- ruling class,
- seigniory,
- seneschalship,
- seneschalsy,
- sheikhdom,
- sheriffalty,
- sheriffcy,
- sheriffdom,
- shop,
- shrievalty,
- skyscraper,
- sod house,
- split-level,
- structure,
- study,
- supervisorship,
- suzerainship,
- suzerainty,
- ticket office,
- town house,
- tribunate,
- vicarage,
- vizierate,
- viziership