Exact Match:
- conversion
- a spiritual enlightenment causing a person to lead a new life
- a successful free throw or try for point after a touchdown
- the act of changing from one use or function or purpose to another
- act of exchanging one type of money or security for another
- a change in the units or form of an expression: "conversion from Fahrenheit to Centigrade"
- interchange of subject and predicate of a proposition
- a change of religion; "his conversion to the Catholic faith"
- an event that results in a transformation
- (psychiatry) a defense mechanism represses emotional conflicts which are then converted into physical symptoms that have no organic basis
- Fabianism,
- about-face,
- abstraction,
- abuse,
- abuse of office,
- accommodation,
- adaptation,
- adjustment,
- adoption,
- alteration,
- amelioration,
- annexation,
- apostasy,
- appropriation,
- architecture,
- assembly,
- befoulment,
- betterment,
- block,
- blocking,
- boosting,
- break,
- building,
- casting,
- change,
- change of heart,
- changeableness,
- changeover,
- circumcision,
- composition,
- construction,
- constructive change,
- continuity,
- conveyance,
- corrupt administration,
- crafting,
- craftsmanship,
- creation,
- cultivation,
- debasement,
- defalcation,
- defection,
- defense mechanism,
- defilement,
- degeneration,
- degenerative change,
- desecration,
- deterioration,
- deviation,
- devising,
- difference,
- discontinuity,
- divergence,
- diversification,
- diversion,
- diversity,
- elaboration,
- embezzlement,
- erection,
- evangelization,
- extraction,
- extremism,
- fabrication,
- fashioning,
- filching,
- fitting,
- flip-flop,
- formation,
- forming,
- formulation,
- fouling,
- framing,
- fraud,
- gradual change,
- gradualism,
- graft,
- growing,
- handicraft,
- handiwork,
- harvesting,
- improvement,
- innovation,
- liberation,
- lifting,
- machining,
- making,
- maladministration,
- malfeasance,
- malpractice,
- malversation,
- manufacture,
- manufacturing,
- melioration,
- meliorism,
- mental block,
- metamorphosis,
- milling,
- mining,
- misapplication,
- misappropriation,
- misconduct,
- misemployment,
- misfeasance,
- mishandling,
- mismanagement,
- misusage,
- misuse,
- mitigation,
- modification,
- modulation,
- molding,
- mutation,
- new birth,
- new life,
- novelty,
- overthrow,
- peculation,
- permutation,
- persuasion,
- perversion,
- pilferage,
- pilfering,
- pinching,
- poaching,
- pollution,
- poor stewardship,
- prefabrication,
- preparation,
- processing,
- producing,
- profanation,
- progressivism,
- proselytism,
- proselytization,
- prostitution,
- qualification,
- radical change,
- radical reform,
- radicalism,
- raising,
- re-creation,
- realignment,
- rebirth,
- reclamation,
- redeemedness,
- redemption,
- redesign,
- refining,
- reform,
- reformation,
- reformism,
- regeneration,
- remaking,
- renewal,
- repression,
- reshaping,
- restructuring,
- reversal,
- revisionism,
- revival,
- revivification,
- revolution,
- salvation,
- scrounging,
- second birth,
- shaping,
- shift,
- shoplifting,
- smelting,
- snatching,
- sneak thievery,
- snitching,
- spiritual purification,
- stealage,
- stealing,
- sublimation,
- sudden change,
- suppression,
- swindle,
- swiping,
- switch,
- symbolization,
- theft,
- thievery,
- thieving,
- total change,
- transformation,
- transition,
- transmutation,
- turn,
- turnabout,
- turning,
- upheaval,
- utopianism,
- variation,
- variety,
- violation,
- violent change,
- workmanship,
- worsening