Exact Match:
- counter
- table consisting of a horizontal surface over which business is transacted
- a calculator that keeps a record of the number of times something happens
- a piece of leather forming the back of a shoe or boot; "a counter may be used to stiffen the material around the heel and to give support to the foot"
- game equipment used in various card or board games
- (computer science) a register whose contents go through a regular series of states (usually states indicating consecutive integers)
- a person who counts things
- in the opposite direction; "run counter"
- speak in response; "He countered with some very persuasive arguments"
- Geiger counter,
- Wilson chamber,
- X-ray spectrograph,
- X-ray spectrometer,
- abjure,
- adversary,
- adversative,
- adverse,
- adversive,
- advocate,
- against the grain,
- against the tide,
- against the wind,
- agree to disagree,
- alien,
- allege in support,
- alpha pulse analyzer,
- ambo,
- answer,
- antagonistic,
- antagonize,
- anti,
- antipathetic,
- antipodal,
- antipode,
- antipodean,
- antipodes,
- antipole,
- antithesis,
- antithetic,
- antithetical,
- antonym,
- antonymous,
- argue for,
- ascender,
- assert,
- assert the contrary,
- at cross-purposes,
- at daggers,
- at daggers drawn,
- at issue,
- at odds,
- at opposite extremes,
- at variance,
- at war with,
- athwart,
- atom counter,
- atom-tagger,
- back,
- back to back,
- backward,
- baffle,
- baggage check,
- balancing,
- balk,
- bar,
- bastard type,
- be antipathetic,
- be at cross-purposes,
- be inimical,
- be opposed to,
- beard,
- beat against,
- beat off,
- belie,
- belly,
- bench,
- bevel,
- black letter,
- blast,
- block,
- board,
- body,
- boomerang,
- boron counter,
- brave,
- break,
- break off,
- buffet,
- cap,
- capital,
- case,
- challenge,
- champion,
- check,
- checkmate,
- chip,
- circumvent,
- clash,
- clashing,
- cloud chamber,
- collide,
- come back at,
- comeback,
- compensating,
- competitive,
- con,
- conflict,
- conflict with,
- conflicting,
- confound,
- confront,
- confronting,
- confute,
- contend for,
- contest,
- contra,
- contradict,
- contradictory,
- contradistinct,
- contrapose,
- contrapositive,
- contrarious,
- contrariwise,
- contrary,
- contrast with,
- contrasted,
- contrasting,
- contravene,
- controvert,
- converse,
- cosmic ray counter,
- counteract,
- counteractive,
- counterattack,
- counterbalance,
- counterbalancing,
- counterblast,
- counterblow,
- countercheck,
- countermand,
- counterpoint,
- counterpoise,
- counterpoised,
- counterpole,
- counterpose,
- counterstroke,
- counterterm,
- countervail,
- countervailing,
- counterwork,
- counting tube,
- coupon,
- cross,
- dash,
- dead against,
- defeat,
- defend,
- defy,
- deny,
- descender,
- desk,
- destroy,
- detrimental,
- differ,
- different,
- difficult,
- disaccord,
- disaccordant,
- disaffirm,
- disagree,
- disallow,
- disavow,
- disc,
- disclaim,
- discomfit,
- disconcert,
- discordant,
- discountenance,
- discrepant,
- dish,
- disown,
- disparate,
- disprove,
- dispute,
- disrupt,
- dissent,
- dissentient,
- dissimilar,
- divergent,
- diverse,
- drive back,
- electronic counter,
- elude,
- em,
- en,
- enemy,
- escritoire,
- espouse,
- exchange,
- expansion chamber,
- eyeball to eyeball,
- eyeball-to-eyeball,
- face,
- face to face,
- fantail,
- fat-faced type,
- feet,
- fend,
- fend off,
- flummox,
- foil,
- font,
- forswear,
- fractious,
- frustrate,
- gainsay,
- gamma ray counter,
- get back at,
- give and take,
- give in exchange,
- give in return,
- give-and-take,
- go against,
- go counter to,
- groove,
- hard,
- hardly like,
- harmful,
- hat check,
- heavy particle counter,
- heel,
- hinder,
- hindering,
- hit back at,
- hold at bay,
- hold off,
- hostile,
- impeding,
- impugn,
- in confrontation,
- in hostile array,
- in opposition,
- inconsistent,
- inimical,
- interchange,
- interfere with,
- inverse,
- ion counter,
- ionization chamber,
- ionizing event,
- italic,
- jangle,
- jar,
- join issue upon,
- join the opposition,
- jostle,
- just opposite,
- juxtapose in opposition,
- keep at bay,
- keep off,
- knock the chocks,
- lectern,
- letter,
- ligature,
- lock horns,
- logotype,
- lower case,
- maintain,
- majuscule,
- make a plea,
- marker,
- match,
- meet head-on,
- militate against,
- minuscule,
- miserable,
- mismatch,
- mismate,
- negate,
- negative,
- nick,
- noncooperative,
- nonplus,
- nonuniform,
- nose to nose,
- not abide,
- not accept,
- not admit,
- not easy,
- notions counter,
- nullify,
- object,
- obstinate,
- obstruct,
- obstructive,
- obverse,
- odd,
- off,
- offbeat,
- offset,
- opponent,
- oppose,
- opposed,
- opposing,
- opposite,
- opposite number,
- oppositional,
- oppositive,
- oppugn,
- oppugnant,
- out,
- overthwart,
- parry,
- particle counter,
- perplex,
- perverse,
- pi,
- pica,
- piece,
- pit,
- play at cross-purposes,
- plead for,
- point,
- polar,
- poles apart,
- poop,
- print,
- protest,
- push back,
- pushcart,
- put back,
- radiodetector,
- rebuff,
- rebut,
- recalcitrant,
- recant,
- reciprocate,
- reciprocation,
- recoil,
- reflex,
- refractory,
- refuse to admit,
- refute,
- renounce,
- repel,
- reply,
- repudiate,
- repugnant,
- repulse,
- resist,
- respond,
- retaliate,
- retaliation,
- retort,
- retract,
- return,
- reverse,
- reversed,
- revoke,
- rigorous,
- riposte,
- rival,
- roman,
- rudderpost,
- ruin,
- run against,
- run counter to,
- sabotage,
- sans serif,
- say in defense,
- scarcely like,
- scotch,
- scrip,
- script,
- secretaire,
- secretary,
- set off,
- setoff,
- shank,
- shopboard,
- shoulder,
- showcase,
- sinister,
- slug,
- small cap,
- small capital,
- speak for,
- speak up for,
- spike,
- spoil,
- squared off,
- stamp,
- stand,
- stand up for,
- stave off,
- stem,
- stern,
- stick up for,
- stop,
- stressful,
- strike back,
- stump,
- support,
- sustain,
- swim upstream,
- table,
- tag,
- tail end,
- take back,
- take issue with,
- the contrary,
- the other side,
- thwart,
- ticket,
- token,
- traverse,
- troublesome,
- troublous,
- trying,
- tube counter,
- turn aside,
- turned around,
- type,
- type body,
- type class,
- type lice,
- typecase,
- typeface,
- typefounders,
- typefoundry,
- unalike,
- uncooperative,
- unfavorable,
- unfriendly,
- unidentical,
- unlike,
- unmatched,
- unpropitious,
- unresembling,
- unsame,
- unsimilar,
- untoward,
- up in arms,
- uphold,
- upper case,
- upset,
- urge reasons for,
- vary,
- vie,
- vis-a-vis,
- vote against,
- ward off,
- with crossed bayonets,
- withstand,
- work against,
- workbench,
- wretched,
- writing table,
- wrong-way,
- wrong-way around