Exact Match:
- crack up
- rhapsodize about
- suffer a nervous breakdown
- ablate,
- accident,
- appulse,
- atomize,
- bang,
- bang into,
- bankruptcy,
- blow,
- brain disease,
- break down,
- break up,
- breakage,
- breakdown,
- breaking up,
- breakup,
- brunt,
- bulldozing,
- bulling,
- bump,
- bump into,
- burn out,
- calamity,
- cannon,
- carambole,
- carom,
- carom into,
- carry away,
- casualty,
- cataclysm,
- catastrophe,
- cave,
- cave-in,
- circulatory collapse,
- clash,
- collapse,
- collide,
- collision,
- come apart,
- come into collision,
- come off,
- come undone,
- come unstuck,
- concuss,
- concussion,
- confront each other,
- consume,
- contretemps,
- corrode,
- crack,
- crackup,
- crash,
- crash into,
- crippling,
- crumble,
- crumble into dust,
- crump,
- crunch,
- damage,
- dash into,
- debacle,
- decay,
- decompose,
- destruction,
- detriment,
- diffusion,
- dilapidation,
- disablement,
- disaster,
- disintegrate,
- disintegration,
- disjoin,
- disorganize,
- dispersal,
- disrepair,
- disruption,
- dissolution,
- dissolve,
- draining,
- droop,
- drop,
- emotional disorder,
- emotional instability,
- encounter,
- encroachment,
- erode,
- exfoliation,
- exhaustedness,
- exhaustion,
- faint,
- fall foul of,
- fall off,
- fall to pieces,
- fatigue,
- fission,
- flag,
- flip,
- fly apart,
- foul,
- fragmentation,
- functional nervous disorder,
- gasp,
- get loose,
- get tired,
- give out,
- give way,
- go crazy,
- go haywire,
- go into hysterics,
- go mad,
- go to pieces,
- grief,
- grow weary,
- hammering,
- harm,
- hit,
- hit against,
- hobbling,
- hurt,
- hurting,
- hurtle,
- ill hap,
- impact,
- impairment,
- impinge,
- impingement,
- incapacitation,
- infringement,
- injury,
- inroad,
- insanity,
- jade,
- knock,
- knock against,
- lose courage,
- lose self-control,
- loss,
- maiming,
- maladjustment,
- manic-depressive psychosis,
- mauling,
- mayhem,
- meet,
- meeting,
- melancholia,
- mental disorder,
- mental illness,
- misadventure,
- mischance,
- mischief,
- misfortune,
- mishap,
- molder,
- mutilation,
- nasty blow,
- near-miss,
- nervous breakdown,
- nervous disorder,
- nervous exhaustion,
- nervous prostration,
- neurasthenia,
- neurosis,
- onslaught,
- pant,
- paranoia,
- peel off,
- percuss,
- percussion,
- personality disorder,
- peter out,
- pileup,
- play out,
- poop out,
- problems in living,
- prostration,
- psychosis,
- puff,
- puff and blow,
- ramming,
- reaction,
- revolution,
- ruination,
- ruinousness,
- run down,
- run into,
- run out,
- sabotage,
- scaling,
- scathe,
- scattering,
- schizophrenia,
- shattering,
- shipwreck,
- shock,
- sickening,
- sideswipe,
- sink,
- slam into,
- sledgehammering,
- smack into,
- smash,
- smash into,
- smash up,
- smash-up,
- smashing,
- smashup,
- social maladjustment,
- split,
- spoiling,
- spring apart,
- staggering blow,
- start,
- strike,
- strike against,
- succumb,
- thrusting,
- tire,
- total loss,
- tragedy,
- unravel,
- washout,
- waste away,
- weakening,
- wear away,
- weary,
- wheeze,
- whomp,
- wilt,
- wrack,
- wreck