Exact Match:
- crosshatch
- shade with multiple crossing lines; "the draftsman crosshatched the area"
- autolithograph,
- be a printmaker,
- cartoon,
- carve,
- chalk,
- character,
- charcoal,
- chisel,
- color,
- copy,
- crayon,
- crease,
- cribble,
- cut,
- dash off,
- daub,
- delineate,
- depict,
- design,
- diagram,
- doodle,
- draft,
- draw,
- enchase,
- engrave,
- furrow,
- grave,
- groove,
- hatch,
- incise,
- inscribe,
- limn,
- line,
- lithograph,
- make prints,
- mark,
- paint,
- paint a picture,
- pencil,
- picture,
- picturize,
- portray,
- print,
- score,
- scrape,
- scratch,
- sculpture,
- scumble,
- shade,
- sketch,
- stencil,
- stipple,
- tint,
- tool,
- trace