Exact Match:
- crown
- the part of a hat (the vertex) that covers the crown of the head
- an ornamental jewelled headdress signifying sovereignty
- a wreath or garland worn on the head to signify victory
- the center of a cambered road
- the part of a tooth above the gum that is covered with enamel
- the Crown (or the reigning monarch) as the symbol of the power and authority of a monarchy; "the colonies revolted against the Crown"
- the upper branches and leaves of a tree
- an English coin worth 5 shillings
- be the culminating event; "The speech crowned the meeting"
- put an enamel cover on; "crown my teeth"
- invest with regal power; enthrone; "The prince was crowned in Westminster Abbey"
- form the topmost part of; "A weather vane crowns the building"
- Her Highness,
- Her Majesty,
- His Majesty,
- O,
- Old Mug,
- achievement,
- acme,
- aggrandize,
- alerion,
- all,
- animal charge,
- anklet,
- annular muscle,
- annulet,
- annulus,
- anoint,
- apex,
- apogee,
- apotheose,
- apotheosize,
- areola,
- argent,
- armlet,
- armorial bearings,
- armory,
- arms,
- aureole,
- authority,
- azure,
- baby tooth,
- bandeau,
- bangle,
- bar,
- bar sinister,
- baton,
- bawbee,
- bays,
- beads,
- bean,
- bearings,
- beatify,
- bend,
- bend sinister,
- bicuspid,
- bijou,
- billet,
- blanket,
- blazon,
- blazonry,
- bonnet,
- bordure,
- bracelet,
- bracket capital,
- breastpin,
- broad arrow,
- brooch,
- brow,
- bucktooth,
- button up,
- cadency mark,
- canine,
- canonize,
- canton,
- cap,
- cap of dignity,
- cap of maintenance,
- capital,
- capsheaf,
- capstone,
- caput,
- carry to completion,
- ceil,
- ceiling,
- ceiling fixture,
- chain,
- chair,
- chandelier,
- chaplet,
- charge,
- charm,
- chatelaine,
- chevron,
- chief,
- circle,
- circlet,
- circuit,
- circumference,
- circus,
- cite,
- civic crown,
- clean up,
- climax,
- close out,
- close up,
- closed circle,
- cloud nine,
- coat of arms,
- cockatrice,
- coif,
- coin,
- complete,
- conclude,
- consummate,
- copestone,
- cork,
- cornice,
- corona,
- corona lucis,
- coronal,
- coronet,
- crescent,
- crest,
- cross,
- cross moline,
- crown with laurel,
- culmen,
- culminate,
- culmination,
- cup,
- cuspid,
- cutter,
- cycle,
- deciduous tooth,
- decorate,
- deify,
- dent,
- denticle,
- denticulation,
- dentil,
- dentition,
- develop,
- device,
- diadem,
- difference,
- differencing,
- discus,
- disk,
- do honor,
- do to perfection,
- dogtooth,
- dollar,
- dome,
- dominion,
- double eagle,
- doubloon,
- ducat,
- duodecimo,
- eagle,
- earring,
- edge,
- eighteenmo,
- electrolier,
- elevate,
- emperor,
- empress,
- end,
- ennoble,
- enshrine,
- enthrone,
- ermine,
- ermines,
- erminites,
- erminois,
- escutcheon,
- eternal return,
- exalt,
- extreme,
- extreme limit,
- extremity,
- eyetooth,
- fairy ring,
- falcon,
- fang,
- farthing,
- fess,
- fess point,
- field,
- file,
- fillet,
- final stroke,
- final touch,
- finalize,
- finish,
- finish off,
- finish up,
- finisher,
- finishing stroke,
- five-dollar gold piece,
- fiver,
- flanch,
- fleur-de-lis,
- florin,
- fob,
- folio,
- fore tooth,
- fourpence,
- fourpenny,
- fret,
- frost,
- fur,
- fusil,
- gagtooth,
- gang tooth,
- garland,
- gasolier,
- gem,
- get done,
- get it over,
- get through,
- get through with,
- glamorize,
- glorify,
- glory,
- gold piece,
- gold tooth,
- government,
- great seal,
- griffin,
- grinder,
- groat,
- guinea,
- gules,
- gyron,
- half crown,
- half dollar,
- half eagle,
- halfpenny,
- halo,
- hard money,
- hat,
- hatchment,
- head,
- heading,
- headpiece,
- heaven,
- heavens,
- height,
- helmet,
- heraldic device,
- high noon,
- highest degree,
- highest pitch,
- highest point,
- honor,
- honor point,
- hood,
- ice,
- immortalize,
- impalement,
- impaling,
- imperial,
- improve,
- inaugurate,
- incisor,
- induct,
- inescutcheon,
- install,
- instate,
- invest,
- jewel,
- jurisdiction,
- king,
- label,
- lasso,
- last stroke,
- last touch,
- laurel,
- laurels,
- limit,
- lion,
- lionize,
- locket,
- logical circle,
- loop,
- looplet,
- loving cup,
- lozenge,
- luster,
- mag,
- magic circle,
- magnify,
- make legendary,
- mantling,
- marshaling,
- martlet,
- mascle,
- mature,
- maximum,
- medium,
- meg,
- meridian,
- metal,
- milk tooth,
- mite,
- moidore,
- molar,
- monarch,
- monkey,
- mop up,
- motto,
- mountaintop,
- mullet,
- napoleon,
- ne plus ultra,
- necklace,
- new pence,
- no place higher,
- noddle,
- noggin,
- nombril point,
- noodle,
- noon,
- noose,
- nose ring,
- np,
- nth degree,
- octavo,
- octodecimo,
- octofoil,
- or,
- orb,
- orbit,
- ordinary,
- orle,
- outtop,
- overarch,
- overcast,
- overlay,
- overspread,
- overtop,
- p,
- pale,
- palm,
- palms,
- paly,
- pate,
- pay regard to,
- pay tribute,
- peak,
- pean,
- peg,
- pence,
- penny,
- perfect,
- permanent tooth,
- pheon,
- piece,
- piece of money,
- piece of silver,
- pin,
- pinhead,
- pinnacle,
- pitch,
- pivot tooth,
- place,
- place in office,
- point,
- pole,
- poll,
- pony,
- pot,
- potentate,
- pound,
- pound sovereign,
- praise,
- precious stone,
- premolar,
- privy seal,
- purple,
- purple pall,
- purpure,
- put in,
- quarter,
- quartering,
- quarto,
- queen,
- quid,
- radius,
- raise,
- realm,
- regalia,
- render honor to,
- reward,
- rhinestone,
- ridge,
- ring,
- ripen,
- robe of state,
- rod,
- rod of empire,
- roll of coins,
- rondelle,
- roof,
- roof in,
- rose,
- rouleau,
- round,
- round out,
- roundel,
- royal,
- royal crown,
- rule,
- ruler,
- sable,
- saint,
- saltire,
- sanctify,
- saucer,
- scepter,
- sconce,
- scrivello,
- scutcheon,
- seal,
- set up,
- seventh heaven,
- sextodecimo,
- shield,
- shilling,
- signet,
- sixpence,
- sixteenmo,
- sky,
- snag,
- snaggletooth,
- sovereign,
- sovereignty,
- specie,
- sphincter,
- spire,
- spread eagle,
- stickpin,
- stone,
- stopper,
- subordinary,
- summit,
- super,
- surmount,
- ten-dollar gold piece,
- tenne,
- tenner,
- terminate,
- the whole,
- threepence,
- threepenny bit,
- thrippence,
- throne,
- tiara,
- tincture,
- tip,
- tip-top,
- tooth,
- top,
- top off,
- top out,
- topknot,
- torque,
- torse,
- tressure,
- triple plume,
- trophy,
- tuppence,
- tush,
- tusk,
- twelvemo,
- twenty-dollar gold piece,
- twopence,
- unicorn,
- uplift,
- upmost,
- upper extremity,
- uppermost,
- uraeus,
- utmost,
- utmost extent,
- uttermost,
- vair,
- vert,
- vertex,
- very top,
- vicious circle,
- wampum,
- wheel,
- wind up,
- wisdom tooth,
- wrap up,
- wreath,
- wristband,
- wristlet,
- yale,
- zenith