Exact Match:
- cultivation
- (agriculture) production of food by preparing the land to grow crops
- socialization through training and education
- acculturation,
- acquired taste,
- agrarianism,
- agricultural geology,
- agriculture,
- agrology,
- agronomics,
- agronomy,
- appreciation of excellence,
- apprenticeship,
- architecture,
- assembly,
- basic training,
- breaking,
- breeding,
- building,
- casting,
- choiceness,
- civility,
- civilization,
- civilized taste,
- civilizedness,
- composition,
- conditioning,
- construction,
- contour farming,
- contour plowing,
- conversion,
- crafting,
- craftsmanship,
- creation,
- cultivated taste,
- cultivating,
- culture,
- daintiness,
- delicacy,
- development,
- devising,
- dirt farming,
- discipline,
- discrimination,
- dressing,
- drill,
- drilling,
- dry farming,
- dryland farming,
- education,
- elaboration,
- elegance,
- enculturation,
- enlightenment,
- erection,
- excellence,
- exercise,
- extraction,
- fabrication,
- fallowing,
- farm economy,
- farming,
- fashioning,
- fastidiousness,
- fetching-up,
- finesse,
- formation,
- forming,
- formulation,
- fostering,
- framing,
- fruit farming,
- furrowing,
- genteelness,
- gentility,
- gentlemanlikeness,
- gentlemanliness,
- gentleness,
- geoponics,
- good breeding,
- good taste,
- grace,
- gracefulness,
- gracility,
- graciosity,
- graciousness,
- grain farming,
- grooming,
- growing,
- handicraft,
- handiwork,
- harrowing,
- harvesting,
- hoeing,
- housebreaking,
- husbandry,
- hydroponics,
- improvement,
- in-service training,
- intensive farming,
- ladylikeness,
- listing,
- machining,
- making,
- manual training,
- manufacture,
- manufacturing,
- military training,
- milling,
- mining,
- mixed farming,
- molding,
- niceness,
- nicety,
- nurture,
- nurturing,
- on-the-job training,
- plowing,
- polish,
- practice,
- prefabrication,
- preparation,
- processing,
- producing,
- pruning,
- quality,
- raising,
- readying,
- rearing,
- refinement,
- refining,
- rehearsal,
- rural economy,
- shaping,
- sharecropping,
- sloyd,
- smelting,
- socialization,
- sophistication,
- strip farming,
- subsistence farming,
- subtlety,
- tank farming,
- taste,
- tastefulness,
- thinning,
- thremmatology,
- tillage,
- tilling,
- tilth,
- training,
- truck farming,
- upbringing,
- vocational education,
- vocational training,
- weeding,
- working,
- workmanship