Exact Match:
- dated
- bearing a date; "dated and stamped documents"
- marked by features of the immediate and usually discounted past
- ago,
- ahead of time,
- anachronistic,
- annalistic,
- antedated,
- antiquated,
- antique,
- archaic,
- back-number,
- beforehand,
- behind the times,
- behind time,
- behindhand,
- belated,
- blown over,
- by,
- bygone,
- bypast,
- calendarial,
- calendric,
- chronogrammatic,
- chronographic,
- chronologic,
- chronoscopic,
- dead,
- dead and buried,
- deceased,
- defunct,
- demode,
- departed,
- diaristic,
- disused,
- early,
- elapsed,
- expired,
- extinct,
- finished,
- foredated,
- forgotten,
- gone,
- gone glimmering,
- gone out,
- gone-by,
- has-been,
- horologic,
- intercalary,
- intercalated,
- irrecoverable,
- lapsed,
- late,
- metachronistic,
- metronomic,
- misdated,
- mistimed,
- no more,
- obsolete,
- old,
- old hat,
- old-fashioned,
- old-timey,
- oldfangled,
- out,
- out of date,
- out of fashion,
- out of season,
- out of style,
- out of use,
- out-of-date,
- outdated,
- outmoded,
- outworn,
- over,
- overdue,
- parachronistic,
- passe,
- passed,
- passed away,
- past,
- past due,
- postdated,
- prochronistic,
- run out,
- styleless,
- tardy,
- temporal,
- timekeeping,
- unfashionable,
- unpunctual,
- unseasonable,
- vanished,
- wound up